Budding… in September

My trees were dead and are alive again! Some trees (and lives) look truly dead, like what’s been happening here this summer in Texas. The scorching sun and heat have devastated some of the trees and many have totally dried up and turned brown.

Day by day as the drought got worse here, it grieved me to see how so many of the trees in the back lot were wilting and turning brown. At length I hauled out the garden hose to do emergency watering of many of them that make up the far back of the property. But more and more, a lot of them lost all their leaves and looked fully dead. (Like some peoples’ lives, maybe?)

Then, after a grueling July and August with temperatures daily around 105 (38 Centigrade), we ended up getting several days of strong, steady rains. So, so needed. Like the verse, “You, Lord, did send a plentiful rain whereby you did confirm Your inheritance when it was weary.” (Psalm 68:9)

But was it too late to help the trees? Like so many people’s lives, it really does look like it’s too late. Not only is there no fruit in their lives, even their leaves have withered and gone. No joy, no faith, no shine or sign of life is left, even though they’re still alive in the physical.

This morning, a few days after the rains, I was having my morning walk in the back and I could hardly believe my eyes. Many of the “dead” trees were budding! In the second half of September! I was so happy to see that. Like long lost friends you thought were gone forever, they came back. But how? Above ground, all signs of life had been scorched and dried up by the relentless sun and heat.

But underneath, below the surface, the roots had stayed alive. Is this possibly symbolic of anything? Do you think this is possible in the very many lives we all know who seem to have dried up and died even many years ago? Could some of those people still have roots of faith alive below the surface? Could some of those people “bud in September”?

It took an act of God. My feeble efforts to do watering during the worst of the drought may have helped a little. But it took the clouds and storms from heaven to drench the earth and provide the roots the missing elements of water, like faith. Over the next days the few remaining trees that still had some leaves began to perk up. But this morning, like a second spring, about 70% of the trees I’d counted as dead have been showing little green leaves everywhere among the branches.

This my son was dead and is alive again, was lost and is found.” (Luke 15:24) If God can do this with trees, do you think He can do this with people? Can He send storms and rains that somehow soak the soil of our souls, bringing a renewing of faith and life below the surface and the visible, in the roots of our beings so that life can again appear where it looked as dead as a doornail for a long time?

With God, nothing shall be impossible.” (Luke 1:37) It’s wonderful when the Lord somehow speaks to you through His creation or His deeds there. A few years ago, I had another lesson out in the back lot, in the depths of December. I wrote a blog article about that, “Green Leaves Hanging On”. It was the cold of winter but a few green leaves in the back were still holding on. That really spoke to my heart.

Paul said, “The invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made.” (Romans 1:20). We all need hope. We all need faith. Jesus said, “He that believes on me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35) But many people, just like our trees in the back, come into a time in their lives when they do thirst. They lose faith. Or they are talked out of it by friends. They “cast away their confidence” (Hebrews 10:35) and like the prodigal son, go off and away from the wellsprings of life to waste their lives. Until a mighty famine comes. Or a mighty drought.

Only the Lord can do it. Only the Lord can somehow allow the unseen roots to still be alive below the surface after all the life seems to have ebbed away in the part we can see. “You renew the face of the earth.” (Psalm 104:30)

It was a beautiful and heartening experience this morning and an unexpected one. The symbolism of it all immediately struck me of the greater meaning of how the Lord can do the same thing in the lives of many we know who’ve withered, wilted and fallen away over the years for whatever reason. Would to God that He will send rains of refreshing and renewal to all those ones as well. Amen

2 thoughts on “Budding… in September

  1. So true Mark, Tx for the encouragement! I have 8 kids, all born in a missionary Christian family, many of whom think and say they no longer believe in God. Disheartening to a mom for sure! BUT GOD!! Only the Hand of the Great Creator can rain on them and bring them back to life! Tx again for the reminder.

  2. Amen, encouraging! Beautiful scriptures with it.
    So let us also not be weary in watering hearts and minds of people bringing them the Gospel and the prophecies of future things to come (GBY!), not all are dead through the draught of lies of this world.

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