
In her 70’s, my mom said, “I’m old. But I’m not old-old.” But it’s sad and wrong to discriminate against anyone because of their age. And “ageism” is the relatively new word for this. Discrimination is a hurtful but very common thing, worldwide. You’ve heard of “racism”, I’ve written about that several times. And “sexism” is now a common word, usually meaning discrimination against women. But ageism is just as hurtful and also just not smart or even productive.

Both of my parents made it well into their 90’s. It runs in their families. My mom in particular never “lost it” mentally in any way and hardly lost it physically much at all until the last month of two of her life. In earlier generations it was not uncommon that by the time someone hit 60, they were really considered old and were sometimes at the edge of their families who treated them with detached aloofness at times. And often they died sad and alone. Progress has been made in these things and in more recent times there is more concern in many societies for “the elderly”.

But I have to admit I probably could be considered in that category at times, as are now many of my friends. How’s that working for me? Actually, it’s probably a surprise to younger readers but it’s really not too bad. If I go about things wisely, I’ve felt very little drop off in my physical abilities and vitality compared to twenty or more years ago. I’ve got a host of “irons in the fire” and “pots on the stove” that keep me busier than I almost can keep up with. I’m doing fine, as far as I’m concerned.

But it’s disheartening to run into manifestations of ageism. It seems  some folks think that people in their 60’s and 70’s are unquestionably “over the hill”. There’s that hint of condescension from some who try to be polite but you are left with the feeling that they secretly wish we’d just go away. Or at least we’d go someplace else where we are not seen or where we don’t interfere with the way things should be run and done in these times.

Sad stuff. Of course not everyone is like that. But ageism is just as real in our times and felt by folks just as much as is racism or sexism. It’s a waste of human resources as well as a lack of vision. What some short sighted people don’t get is the wealth of knowledge and experience that “older people” have gained. Certainly some folks who are into their 60’s are not able to do as much physically as they did before. But on the other hand many of them are really doing just fine and have a lot of gas in the tank and fire in the belly. The Bible says, “A grey head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.” (Proverbs 16:31)

But it’s just the inborn sinful nature of mankind to discriminate, to “judge according to the flesh” (John 8:15) and “look on the outward appearance” (I Samuel 16:7), rather than the heart. Also, it must be said that some people “faint in their minds” (Hebrews 12:3), as they grow older. “Where there is no vision the people perish” (Proverb 28:18) and this can happen to people as they age. They give up spiritually and also give up mentally and physically.

However, not everyone does that. In the Bible, Caleb, at the age of 85 famously said, “I’ll take the mountain” (Joshua 14:10-12) and he led his tribe up the mountain in military conquest of the land promised to the Jews in the years after Moses.

It’s cruelty, discrimination and a lack of godly wisdom to let ageism affect your views, especially if you are a Christian who is dealing with and shepherding other Christians. If there is any place in this world where compassion and empathy should triumph, it is in Christian circles. So when there is discrimination and segregation according to age that goes on in Christian fellowships, it is particularly hurtful and unwise as well.

“But Mark, aren’t you creating division here? In saying these things you are dividing the body of Christ and encouraging division.”

I’ve thought about that. But if a person of color experiences racism, is it wrong of him to mention it? Or if a woman experiences sexism, should she remain silent? In the same way, I mean to cause no division by mentioning the fact that ageism exists. Rather, I hope that by talking about these things we can overcome them together and heal any divisions.

It takes a mature, seasoned person to not default to ageism when it comes to Christian shepherding. You just naturally want to hang out with your kind of folks. “Old people” can just seem like a drag if you”re not looking at things with the eyes of the Lord. But this is opposite of the ways of God’s Spirit. Paul said to Timothy, “Let no man despise your youth” (I Timothy 4:12). I think we can certainly say conversely to the ones who are 60 and older, “Let no man despise your age.”


 One final thought: we’re all sinners; we’ve all been guilty of these things. Racism, sexism and ageism are part of the inborn sinful nature of mankind and all of us have been guilty of these things, and more, at one time or the other. So if you’ve been affected by ageism, it’s good to remember that. Jesus said, if someone sins against us, that we are to “go and tell him his fault” (Matthew 18:15) between he and you alone. Getting self righteous, bitter and unforgiving are some of the easy sins that those who’ve been sinned against can easily fall into. Lord help us all to forgive and strive for love and unity.

2 thoughts on “Ageism

  1. Honestly I don’t really know what you are talking about? Maybe the situation here in Europe-Germany is different than in the States. Yes there was always a certain disrespect between young and old but that was because old people could not always follow with the changes the younger generations brought.
    When I was young here in Germany I would say old people had a different mindset as today. People lived still in bigger communities in one household, from many a times Great-grandparents to Great-grandchildren and even uncles and aunts. And though with age they could not accomplish as much as before, they did what they could, even if it was just being there for the little kids keeping an eye on them. They wouldn’t think of just being pensioners doing nothing anymore. I would say they tried to make it easy on the others to not let “ageism” come up. And i would say if an old person has tried to live in “the way of righteousness” they where loved and respected by their families and others.
    But this I would consider the reason for what may contribute to ageism is the fact that not everybody is “found in the way of righteousness”. If I look at many of the old people living in my apartment building I can’t help thinking they have lived a selfish lifestyle and now a useless life doing nothing but be still more or less good consumers. They don’t do anything to help others “to be good” to them.
    The politicians do a lot here for the elderly that they are being well cared for. But it is all in nursing homes where no older person really desires to land there.
    If you have something to give the younger generation will respect and love you. At least this is how I see and experienced it on myself.
    P,S. What I consider a big problem is that one generation after the other was more and more raised to live a selfish self-centered live. With women gaining equality with men they forsook also the view of women being “just” a mother who is happily there for their family. About 25 years ago I talked once with a mother of 5 plus one adopted child, who didn’t understand the world anymore and how things changed. She said when asked by different people what she was doing and answering taking care of 6 children she got each time the reply, “so you are not working at all.” – And those mothers who are working are overworked having to manage 2 jobs even with just one child – we live in perverse times.
    Mindsets have been manipulated into a picture of how they consider a modern society should be like where mothers and old people do not have the worth they deserve. Is it any wonder if there is on one hand disrespect and discrimination and on the other hand a tolerance without the judgment of what is right and good and what not.
    And if we continue this train of thought how much steamed all the discrimination from churches/religions preaching women need to be quiet and obey their husbands (because she is the cause sin entered into the world and therefore we cannot live in paradise anymore) and blacks are all cursed because of that one son of ham’s sin. And with Jews and Muslims that discrimination is based on their teaching of the worth of a believer and unbeliever. And now with modern men wanting to overrule religion the worth of a person depends on what they are achieving in our consumers society. What means those old people not achieving anything any longer are thus considered nothing worth-the reason for discrimination?

    • Thanks for sharing this. It’s interesting to hear your viewpoint and experiences there in Germany. There are various factors in these things and it was good to hear what you were bringing up there.

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