Commune with your own heart

I had a rough night. Woke up at 5 AM and started thinking about current dilemmas I’m in. I was soon wide awake and thinking hard, as well as also praying and looking to the Lord. At length I got up, took a small amount of a sleep aid and went back to bed.

But I was troubled and searching my thoughts and heart for a solution. After a while an idea kind of rose to the surface that I’d not thought of before. I was hoping for something more of a direct revelation that I could be sure was straight from the Lord.

Hours past as I eventually went back to sleep and woke somewhat refreshed. The new idea had come to look like at least a reasonable possibility which I want to try to put into action today.

But the real kicker came later this morning, after my daily devotion time, when I went out for a little prayer. A verse came to mind, Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. (Psalm 4:4) It wasn’t until I got to the second part of the verse that I realized how closely it matched my experience a few hours earlier. I had been communing with my own heart upon my bed.

That realization astounded me. I guess I had never thought of it that way—that simply searching my heart in the quiet of the night could be a form of hearing from God or at least a space where He could bring ideas to mind. But that’s what had happened. And then, as I was walking outside, the Lord brought that very verse to me—an obscure one, yet perfectly fitting.

Of course there were so many “knock on” effects to this. There’s nothing more encouraging than knowing the Lord has spoken to you, even in a quiet, unexpected way. It’s easy to feel like “it’s all over now,” that your best years are behind you, and there’s nothing left but to be put ‘out to pasture’ by the Lord. But getting something from the Lord helps to dispel thoughts like this.

And then there was more. When I went back inside to add that verse to my memory system, my eyes landed directly on Psalm 4:4—already written on one of my memory cards. I had evidently memorized it some time ago. But today, the Lord led me to look directly on it as I was going through my memory system, bringing it back a second time in such a personal, unmistakable way.

Well, God’s little miracles. I really needed this. Since returning from Uganda three weeks ago, I’ve faced some intense battles in my ministry. I know I’m at a major crossroads, needing to move in new directions, but many things still feel uncertain, and I’ve been wrestling with “the big picture.”

So I just wanted to share with you this little thing I got from the Lord and how “communing with your own heart upon your bed” can be a way sometimes for the Lord to bring things to your mind, answers from Him, even though it can almost seem like “leaning to your own understanding”. (Proverbs 3:5)

Sometimes the Lord can use our good common sense and gifts of the Spirit like wisdom and knowledge, instead of any outstanding revelation, thundering down upon us from heaven. May He continue to bless us all with His presence and whispers. He’s the one who’s way out in front and knows what’s going to happen and is able to lead us and guide us and show us what to do.

For the Lord your God, He it is that goes before you. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

7 thoughts on “Commune with your own heart

  1. Wow, that is very neat! Just today I was telling the Lord: Lord, you are not a God of confusion. And You are also very practical, it doesn’t always have to be “pie in the sky” or overly spiritual. (I have a tendency to over spiritualise things) I had been reading Samson…so clear: hair long = super strong, God with him. No hair = weak – the Lord had departed from him! (Judges 16:20b) Such a physical, clear demonstration. I am sure there are many more samples in the Bible about God giving clear advice. And communing with our own heart seems to be, like you say, very practical. And maybe misunderstood as our own carnal mind. I do believe we need to ask Him for discernment! But His voice often comes with inspiration!

  2. Great! Thanks for sharing that! Comforting when others have those seemingly weird situations popping up that turn out to make mighty sense after all…

  3. Wow that Great!
    The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
    Psalm 37:23
    This emphasizes that God directs the paths of those who follow Him, leading them toward His glory and purpose.
    God bless you with more and more wisdom Sir!

  4. “God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform!”
    Thank you dear Mark Mcmillion for sharing your own experience. God Bless You!

  5. Thank you so much Mark..that’s really great..I read this now at 01 am here.. just before bed…and just what I needed..Gby for sharing this with us..much love..❤️

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