“When the enemy shall come in like a flood…”

Years ago there was a popular thing people said, “The Devil made me do it.” It had shock value at the time. But, folks, it’s a LIE. The Devil can’t “make” you do anything. He can tempt you, he can provoke you or try to convince you. But he can’t make you do anything. You do it. And, in our times, the Devil seems to have more and more minions and those who yield to his prompting.

But you don’t have to do what the devil says. You don’t have to yield to your rage, your jealousy, your depression or whatever it is. A tremendous Bible verse on this subject is what Isaiah said, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19b) But sadly, it often seems that many in our times have allowed themselves to get more and more on the channel of the Enemy of God and less and less in tune with the ways of God, His love, His truth and His power.

Truth resisted looses power over the mind. And for some of these horrific things we read about in the news every day, we often find that the perpetrator had been more and more on a negative, hopeless, often violent or evil line of thinking for a long time. And it’s just heartbreaking on so many levels when these things happen. We pity and grieve for the victims of these crimes but also for the families of the perpetrators who often say they had no idea their loved one was getting that way.

But honestly, there but for the grace of God go so many of us. You can think, “Oh, I’d never do anything like that!” But any of us, if we play footsie more and more with the dark, evil side of this world, can be lulled into the delusion of committing some horrific crimes, against others or even our selves.

temptations-and-doubtsThey say, “You can’t keep the birds from flying over your head. But you can keep them from making a nest in your hair.” All of us are susceptible to the voice of evil and Satan from time to time, like birds flying over your head. But you do have the power to shoo them away. Paul said, “Neither give place to the devil.” (Ephesians 4:27) Don’t entertain and give place to evil, Satanic influences in any way.

That’s why we, all of us, every single person, need to desperately have the saving power of the blood of Jesus, Who defeated both sin and Satan on the cross. I know; you mock and smirk at this, some of you. And if that’s you, I can tell you this: “The way of the transgressor is hard.” (Proverbs 13:15) Because I learned this the hard way, by bitter, indescribably pain as the result of my proud, intellectual ways until there was virtually nothing left of me.

It was at that stage, when my self confidence was utterly shattered and my mind almost gone, when I was face to face with my utter ignorance of the things of the heart and the affairs of eternity, that I was able to have the simple realization that there is a spiritual world, there is something called sin that was destroying me and that I desperately needed the help of the God of heaven and, yes, even of Jesus, the one I’d mocked so much.

But from that personal death I came to a new life of truths I’d never known. And one of those is that there is an enemy of our soul who will claim us as his own if we don’t fight him and resist him. It’s horrifying to think how the Devil will also attempt to use us to do his dirty work right here in this world, if we allow it.

James, the Lord’s brother said, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7) That’s what you have to do when you’re tempted to commit a violent act, against yourself or others. Or bullying, or drug taking or any of the “wild side” of life which can be so alluring but so foolish, vain and deadly. That’s why it’s not true: “The devil made me do it.” No, you just went with the flow of Satan; you yielded to his power and thoughts and persuasion.

When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. And I can tell you personally, the enemy will come in like a flood, into your mind, into your words that come out of your mouth and into your actions and deeds, unless you allow God to lift up a standard against him.

That’s why it’s so important what we think, what we harbor in our hearts and minds. God’s will is that we fill ourselves with positive, encouraging, faith-building thoughts from His Word and truth. Actually memorizing Bible verses has been one of the most beneficial things I’ve ever done. Or singing songs of the Lord, “making melody in your hearts to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:19) Music is powerful and you can sometimes sing your way right out of an attack of the devil.

But you have to make that effort, you have to resist the devil, you have to allow in you the Spirit of God to lift up that standard against the darkness when it comes at you. And it will.

Sometimes you have to keep up your resistance. When the devil tempted Jesus in the desert, he actually kept coming back at Jesus, even though Jesus did resist him. Same for you and me. But if you keep up your resistance, the enemy just has to flee. “Greater is he that is in you (Jesus Christ in your heart if you’ve asked Him to be there) than he that is in the world (Satan).” (I John 4:4)

You don’t have to grab that gun or knife. You don’t have to keep shooting up those opioids or taking those drugs. You don’t have to keep getting drunk every day and night until you’re a hopeless alcoholic. “The Lord will deliver me from every evil work.” (II Timothy 4:18) There’s not only eternal salvation in Jesus, there is  –right now–  very real and practical, present, miraculous deliverance from any form of darkness that may be infesting your life. And it can come through the true and mighty name of Jesus.

And I’m not some preacher with a theology degree. I learned what I’m telling you right now on the street, the hard way, through a horrific near death experience.

Fight back. Fight that impulse, that feeling you have to do something you know is wrong. You do have power against it. Through Jesus. I’ve been there and done that. And through Him I’ve lived to tell you that you can come out of it too. Don’t be a victim of Satan, be a victorious victor through the Man who loves you and died for you and rose from the dead, Jesus.

5 thoughts on ““When the enemy shall come in like a flood…”

  1. Tx, mark!
    Very good lesson especially these days as the battle rages more intensely across the nations. We just have to look what Rodrigues perpetrated by NOT resisting the evil one.
    Not a very pleasant scenario. Nonetheless, as u brought out we need to be always on our guard as the dragon is always looking for his next prey.
    We must pray without ceasing. It’s a constant war raging outside there in this world and also in our minds.

  2. Amen! The devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may desire! We have to have our guard up and the sword of the spirit in our hand, the Word of God, at all times! The spiritual world is all around us and very real, and we are part of the battle whether we like it or not!

    I am praying for our children and grandchildren that the Lord will protect and keep them from evil!

  3. Right on Mark. And may I add that many of the crimes and evil acts seem to be Hollywood- / Netflix-induced – or from any of the insane and violent movies or series being spewed out over the wires. Monkey see, monkey do…

  4. God led me to this post , as I was in search for more understanding relating to Isaiah 59:19.
    Thank you for sharing what Christ took you thru .

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