“The LORD said to my Lord…”

Perhaps the biggest surprise of my life was finding out who Jesus is/was. Maybe it’s second only to finding out earlier that God actually is for real. I’d been told that Jesus was a great man, a wonderful teacher. But that’s about it. “God? Well, yeah, He’s up there somewhere but we don’t hear much from him. Be good, do good and, yes, love people. That’s about all that it really amounts to.” So I’d thought.

But it took basically the edge of death and hell to bring me to realize that the spiritual world is real. And through some indescribable rough times, I did come to experience the reality of the God of Abraham, the God of the Bible. But then what?

Well I then had this question on my heart for months, “Who is Jesus?” And it was some activist young Christians who finally showed me from the Bible about receiving Jesus into my heart. I’d already been so whittled down by the Lord, my self confidence shaken and my heart engaged by the Holy Spirit that I did take that step and prayed for Jesus to come into my heart and life.

But I still didn’t feel like I knew who Jesus is or was. So a few days later I was asking my friends again, “But, who is Jesus?” So then one of my friends showed me verses that just exploded inside my mind and heart virtually like a bomb.

They showed me where it says, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.” (John 1:1) Then they showed me John 1:14, that was the one that really did it. “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. And we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

Spontaneously, almost immediately I got on my knees and face and prayed for I don’t know how long, for the first time in my life, to Jesus.There are two of them!”, I thought. “Jesus was with God in the beginning and even before the beginning! He was like us but also He was not!” John 1:14 exploded in my heart and mind to show me for the first time who Jesus is and was, the question that had been on my heart for months.

Maybe it’s like the Bible says, “We are to be married to another, even to Him who is raised from the dead.” (Romans 7:4) But even in a worldly marriage, it goes through stages. The first time you saw each other. The first time you touched or kissed. Your marriage ceremony. The first time you were intimate. Your honeymoon and thereafter. There are so many stages in love and I think it’s the same in our relationship with the Lord.

But like a good marriage, it continues to grow and get better as the years go on. And it was the inflowing of truth into my heart of the Word of God through the Scriptures that began then and has continued since then. One of the most amazing things is the depths of it and particularly of prophecy. In fact the reality of Jesus as being one with God and also with God from the beginning was shown repeatedly to the Old Testament prophets. And maybe it’s like someone you are married to, you just never get over how amazing they are. I guess that’s how I am with Scripture and the truth revealed there.

To me perhaps the most amazing revelations of Jesus being with God and co-equal with God can be found in Psalm 110 and Daniel chapter 7. King David wrote The LORD said to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.’” (Psalm 110:1) But perhaps what some people notice, after the first reading, is that the word “Lord” is used twice but is written differently. Why?

Like a good mystery, the plot thickens with the telling. And we find that Jesus Himself, when He was on earth, specifically used Psalm 110:1 to try to elucidate His religious detractors. Here’s what the Bible says happened.  “While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,  ‘What do you think of Christ? Whose son is he?’ They say to him, ‘The Son of David.’ He said to them, ‘How then does David in spirit call him Lord, saying,  ‘The LORD said unto my Lord, ‘Sit on my right hand, till I make your enemies thy footstool?’ If David then call him Lord, how is he his son?” (Matthew 22:41-45)

The Jewish leaders expected a Messiah to come who would be a descendent of King David (which Jesus actually was) and they expected the Messiah to be an earthly leader, a military man. But Jesus was bringing out through Psalm 110:1 that David in the Spirit of God, had seen “my Lord”, the Messiah to come, sitting at the right hand of God and being told that God was preparing for his future kingdom. David saw the Messiah and called him “my Lord”. This was a very different view indeed of the Messiah to come from what the Pharisees had, a Messiah sitting next to God the Father who David would call “Lord.”

Even in Old Testament times, God was revealing that the Messiah to come would be more than just a man. And this is something I brought out when I did the video on Daniel chapter 7. Because that’s another place where there’s an almost indescribable vision of Jesus Himself, seen over 500 years before He was on earth.

Abruptly, in the middle of his vision Daniel saw this,I beheld till the thrones were cast down and the Ancient of Days did sit, whose garments were white as snow… Thousand thousands ministered unto Him and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him. The judgment was set and the books were open.”  (Daniel 7: 9 & 10) This is one of the clearest visions of God the Father, the “Ancient of Days” in the Old Testament. And it has a strong resemblance to what King David spoke of at the beginning of Psalm 110, calling God the Father “The LORD…”.

And like we saw in Psalm 110:1, we see Jesus again in Daniel 7: 13 and 14.And I beheld in the night vision and one like the Son of Man came unto the Ancient of Days and they brought Him near before Him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.” Jesus Himself on earth almost never used the term, “the Son of God”. But He did use over 70 times in the 4 Gospels the term used to describe Him here in Daniel 7, “the son of man”.

What an abundance of grace and truth has been revealed to us! And for those who’d like to make this just some concoction of the followers of Jesus after He was crucified, we have it all here from centuries before Jesus’ birth on earth that the Son of David, the one David saw in the spirit seated next to God, and the one Daniel saw in spirit being brought before God, was already seen, spoken of and foretold to come. And then Jesus did.

It’s been decades ago since I was led into this truth and life. And like a good marriage, it just gets better, deeper and stronger through the years. I hope this look into the Scriptures to see our dear Lord in His glory and in His Word, even before He was ever even here on earth, has been a blessing to you. God bless you!


2 thoughts on ““The LORD said to my Lord…”

  1. Isn’t the book of “song of songs ” a spiritual relationship with lord progressing in live day by day just as a worldly relationship of a man and woman converted to married relationship ?if anyone knows more to share?

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