Christmas, 2014

Bethlehem-at-ChristmasIt’s that time of year again, Christmas. Last year around this time I wrote an article “Well, it’s Christmas” which told a lot about my thoughts and feelings about Christmas, which isn’t perhaps a totally mainstream, traditional approach. I also included in that article a song that has always been the one I associate with Christmas, more than any other, “Oh Holy Night”.

I’ve had a pretty good year and I hope you have too. I’ve seen my kids twice this year, once here in Texas when my dad, Bonner McMillion, passed away in February and then again when I was “Visiting Europe” in October. I think the thing I might be the most thankful for this year is that the Lord made it so that I was able to cross a finish line on the video series on the prophecies of Daniel. I feel I’ve gone far enough with the work on those in English and now the challenge is to get them into a number of foreign languages. The whole thing reminds me of the verse that says, “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly, above all that we ask or think…”  (Ephesians 3:20) All my Christian life the book of Daniel and the truth there has been so precious and meaningful to me. That the Lord has made a way so that the classes I’ve taught on it for years are now made into a video series is just astounding and I’m so thankful for that.

My dad, with my mom, on his 92nd birthday, November, 2013

My dad, with my mom, on his 92nd birthday, November, 2013

I’ve been blessed with good hearth this year, my mother turned 93 earlier this month and she is doing very well for her age. And for me personally there are some very inspiring and challenging things which are growing clearer on my near term horizon, including what I hope will be a trip soon to southeastern Europe and the Middle East. Please pray for that, it’s not certain yet but I believe it is God’s will for me.

Last year I added a song that means a lot to me and I included a version done by Celine Dion. Here’s another one from her, also about Christmas, with the text. I wish the very best for you, for us all and for those who are suffering and in fear, tread, darkness and in terror in our world. May we all do our best for Him and His Father to bring their Light and Love to this world.

Your friend in Him, Mark

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