Citizenship in heaven

citizenship-in-heavenPaul said, “Our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20). For some, this may be a strange concept. For others, it may strike a raw nerve. For many people, their nationality is perhaps their most cherished identity. Yet, they also identify as Christians, Jews, Muslims, or followers of other faiths. For most, or at least many, there’s little perceived conflict between their faith in God and their national identity.

Patriotism is a powerful force in the United States, possibly stronger here than in many other countries. Over the last six months, I’ve made a number of friends who are deeply patriotic, yet equally committed to their Christian faith. These individuals are acutely aware of current events, many of them believing that the U.S. is heading toward a totalitarian state. They feel that the freedoms and rights upon which the country was founded are being eroded or have already disappeared. There’s talk of taking a stand and fighting for liberty.

This is where the discussion intensifies. What exactly are we fighting for? What is our true identity? Is it simply a matter of supporting a cause—and if so, which one?  And for many of us, it comes back to our identity. What are we?

Pilate asked Jesus if He was a king. And Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews. But now is my kingdom not from hence.” (John 18:36) This is the point where my friends and I often focus our discussions.

You don’t have to be a Christian in America to be fiercely patriotic. Many Americans who are not Christians—or whose faith takes a secondary role to their national allegiance—are deeply committed to their country. But what about for a Christian, one whose life is centered around their faith in God and in Jesus?

I’ve written on this topic before.  I wrote “Proud to be an American” about my experiences while outside the USA for 36 years as a missionary and some times when I felt proud of my nationality. Another article, “Consumer, Citizen or Disciple” explored the evolution of how people in America and around the world define themselves.

This dilemma, this tension, has historically led many believers to make stark, immediate decisions. Early Roman Christians were often forced to choose between pledging allegiance to the Roman emperor or facing death. Countless numbers chose to stand with Jesus Christ and the God of Abraham, rather than with an earthly king or country. It’s easy to think, “That could never happen here. We’re too advanced, too modern, too intelligent for that.”

Personally, over 40 years ago, I had to decide what would come first in my life. I had to choose where my true allegiance lay and understand that my citizenship in heaven and my commitment to Jesus Christ had to be my most treasured identity—one worth living and dying for. Since then, I’ve lived in over 40 countries as an ambassador of the Kingdom of God, and I have no regrets.

For many, though, this is a time of deep soul-searching. Some even question whether they should take up arms to defend what they see as their inalienable rights. But I don’t believe that’s my calling. That’s not the battle I’m meant to fight. I question whether any sincere, consecrated Christian should take up earthly weapons for worldly causes. I believe many American Christians will be sadly surprised if they go down that path, taking up arms against their own country.

Our true calling is to stand for the truth of Scripture, especially using the power of prophecy to share the reality of the world’s condition and the possible impending fulfillment of end-time events. It is there that I believe the Lord is waiting for us, calling us to be His army of faithful witnesses, proclaiming what has been foretold for over 2,000 years—the final events before His return.

That’s a battle worth fighting, one we’re destined to win. True faith in God will lead us to find our strength and calling in the fight of faith—not in earthly political struggles, but in the spiritual battle for truth and lost souls everywhere. As it is written, “They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death” (Revelation 12:11).

8 thoughts on “Citizenship in heaven

  1. What about taking up arms to protect your wives and children, elderly relatives, and friends from large roving gangs of hoodlums who will laugh in your face as they go through your neighborhoods in the coming rampage when there are no jobs or money, and famine sets in. When they come in to rape, kill, and torture your wife and little ones right in front of your eyes laughing with “demonic glee” as has happened so often in so many countries…? Do we shoot them? This is not clear to me in the Bible. The subject is painted with “too broad a brush!” I just can’t see allowing that to happen, but I agree with you on the idea of not taking on the govt. Rev 13 (Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints… he who leads into captivity will go into captivity, he who kills with the sword will be killed with the sword…) But there does seem to be a difference here. I simply could not stand idly by and watch this happen to my family without fighting back the best way possible, and at my age that would be with a shotgun or .45! (.44mag will work fine too!) (“The BIG BANG theory!”) I HAVE TO AGREE WITH THE “MACHINEGUN PREACHER” in the Sudan! When those goons working for the oil barons of the Sudan came through in the back of their Toyota pickups armed with AK-47’s and RPG-7’s to slaughter more innocent, unarmed black African Christians, they got one “HELL” of a surprise! I just think this is a much more complicated issue than only having two sides to it. There are many factors and variables. I believe we should defend our own. Now a govt. edict: That’s different, like Rome, but roving gangs of bloodthirsty mobs…? Sorry… BULLET IN THE HEAD! GOOD MEDICINE! Just my opinion, – God bless you Mark, -john

    • Hi John, good to hear from you. Thanks for the comment on “Citizenship in Heaven”. There were a number of very valid points you bring up and scenarios you mentioned which provoke deep thought and prayer. I didn’t feel at all that your comments were adversarial but just the thoughts and feelings of what might be millions of American Christians. I think what I will do is to use your comments as a springboard for another article which may be titled “ A Strong Man, Armed” which of course is part of a quote from Jesus. I think this is an important subject and timely for so many. Thanks for your comments and for bringing these other sides up. It’s good to hear from you, I hope you and yours are doing well.Your friend in Him, Mark

  2. Even though I dont live in the USA, if riots and big problems arise in my neighborhood, I am of the conviction that my spiritual weapons will support me in this case, and they will be more than enough to overcome my enemies, unless the Lord wants to take my life and my family-s life to Heaven.

    The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save.Zephaniah 3,17

    This is more than enough for me.

    Andres Nueva Vida

  3. Hi there Mark, I was recently in Thailand and attended a church service. The pastor there read out of Rev 14 and shared a testimony and personal lesson he had learned regarding reading the newspapers opposed to reading the Word, and his lesson was that we have to look beyond the immiate politics and concentrate on the Heavenly perspective and our mission. It spoke to me, as I have also gotten too much involved in the immidiate and letting politics take too much a part in my mind instead of concentrating on the Lord and our mission and seeing things from a heavenly perspective. Thanks for your writing. Love Steven

  4. Thank you Mark for your articles about christian life and discipleship . That’s true and quite a serious subject about using force to protect our beloved. Few days ago my wife and I were invited to a theater to watch the latest movie of Mel Gibson ” Thou shalt not kill ” (I guess it’s the right translation from the French title of this movie). There is a real witness in this true story about being a pacifist Christian and an American patriot at the same time . The main character in the movie has decided to save lives instead of taking lives because of a traumatic event in his youth. Although I don’t agree with armies invading other countries for different good or bad reasons, I still prefer peaceful and humble stands with enemies. An American missionary friend told me that Irak invasion by US armies is God’s will to prepare that country for the spreading of the Gospel there! I answered to him “What would have Jesus done? “Dear Mark what a question it is? If you have any commentaries or anybody else have, let us share more about His answers ! God bless you, Paul Newheart

  5. Hi! Me again! Of course I will do my best to protect my beloved family first of all if necessary like the verse “But first do good to everyone but especially to those of your own household of faith” Galatians 6:10

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