Proponents of the Truth

If there is anything a Christian should be known for, it should be for their truth. We should be known for our love, certainly. But if we’re weak in truth, it discredits the Lord and all He stood for. Jesus said, “Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice”. (John 18:37) He even said, “I am… the truth…” (John 14:6)

So truth, “speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15) and just loving truth the way we love God and Jesus should be at the core of every true Christian.

And the same way we are to “hate evil” (Psalm 97:10), we should have a disdain and abhorrence for falsehood and even half truths. But if ever there was a time when the shadows of darkness and, frankly, the lies of the devil are running rampant and making inroads into the minds and hearts of the believers, it seems to be now.

There’s an amazing thing that’s to be found in the Book of Revelation about the conditions of the time right before the Lord’s return. It’s somewhat mysterious but I think it speaks plainly about the level of falsehood that saturates our lives today.

Revelation 12 verses 15 & 16 say this  And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

Waters in Scripture often represent words. Jesus said of His disciples, “Out of their bellies shall flow rivers of living water”, speaking of the Holy Spirit that they would receive. But conversely, the devil also has his “waters”, Satan’s lies and propaganda which evidently will really be poured out in the final days. [And are being poured out already right now!]

And it says that “the earth”, the ungodly of this world, will swallow those waters that the serpent cast out of his mouth. But, significantly, it doesn’t say the woman, the bride of Christ will swallow them.

If ever there was a time when Christians should be diligently focused on finding the truth, holding the truth, speaking the truth and shunning falsehood, it should be in these times. It’s such a poor testimony of the Lord when Christians are easily deceived into some worldly cause or movement that is in fact a pitifully poor substitute for the genuine and truthful cause of Christ and the truth of His Word.

Some people think about purity and they immediately think of something moral or immoral, as they understand it. But simply extolling and embracing truth, while feeling a repulsion to lies and even half truths, can be an even greater need and testimony. It grieves me when I see so many believers get sucked into the affairs of this life and secular political parties, even long time friends I’ve known from the mission field who now view politics as their service to God.

Jesus even in His lifetime talked about those who will “…think they do God service”. But what will they be actually doing? Jesus said in John 16:2, “The time will come that whosoever kills you will think they are doing God service.” As many of you know, there are oodles of Christians who’ve gotten so involved with the affairs of this life that they are convinced that they need to take up physical arms and to be willing to kill others in their service for the Lord!

Isn’t that pitiful?! What a travesty of true Christian discipleship! I wrote something 7 years ago called “A Strong Man, Armed” about when there may be some margin of place where, to physically defend your family, bearing arms may be justified.

But then so many here in the States at least, nominal Christians and sometimes genuinely sincere Christians, are convince that a huge stock of guns is the only alternative for the people of faith. It’s really sad how many believers of our times have veered from the example of the Early Church as well as the pattern and explanation we have in the prophetic Word about the church of the endtime, before the coming of the Lord.

I’m convinced that, just as the Early Church was, the final church of the Endtime before the coming of the Lord will be dependent utterly on Him, His Word and His miraculous intervention and direction. This all just shows us how very far astray much of  Christianity in our times has gone and how much we actually need the cleansing purifying of persecution which, among other things, will sweep away all those who “walk in the counsel of the ungodly and stand in the way of sinners.” (Psalm 1:1) Lord help us!

And He will. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. The Lord  is going to purify His church, purge out the abundant dross, worldly influences and political entanglements that are so utterly prevalent. He has to. Otherwise the believers of the final Endtime will in no way be prepared in any way for the onslaught that will come against them.

But it starts with truth. The deceptions that have captured so many believers of these times must be destroyed, like the idols the prophets of old had to smash and defy. It’s still the same today. Amen, Lord, do it.

PS   And this morning, as I somewhat hesitated to post this article, I heard verses quoted in a devotional which I know I’ve never noticed before.  “For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, even as you walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” (III John verses 3 & 4)

8 thoughts on “Proponents of the Truth

  1. thank you Mark,you spoke from my heart…….Some scriptures came to my memory………If you continue in My Word then are you My disciples indeed.And the Truth will set you free……..Speak ye everyone the Truth to his neighbour…….Stand up for Jesus,you soldiers of the cross……A disciple follows his Master……The meek shall inherit the earth……His banner over me was Love……Love your enemies……Do good to them who despitefully use and persecute you…..Romans 12.18 If it be possible,as much as lieth in you,live peacably with all men……Heb12.14 Follow peace with all men,and holiness,without which no man shall see the Lord.

  2. So very well put and so very true. I’m so glad to read this as I pitifully watch so many Christian take up causes for an earthy political system on one side or the other, instead of putting their time & efforts and all of their hearts into the true Kingdom that will never end. I heard someone say that every kingdom, every government, every political system that has ever existed on this earth has come to pass, and that the same will be true of the present ones. They are for a period of time only, and then they pass. But the Kingdom of God is eternal. So why not focus our efforts on the Kingdom that will never end, instead of wasting our time and getting caught up with something that will ultimately corrupt and come to pass. I have a feeling that here in the States, the devil doesn’t really care what side you’re on, as long as you are on one side or the other as a participant in his game, helping to bolster his efforts to create division and tear things apart so that he can eventually take control and move things his way.

  3. Thank you, Jesus! Thanks, Mark! Your article ‘Proponents of the Truth’ — I could not have said it better.
    Integrity and honesty are traits respected the world over, just as deceitfulness and lying are universally condemned.
    Be known as truth-speakers, people of integrity, people who can be counted on to deal with each other and those of the world honestly, squarely, fairly, and with the complete truth as often as you can. [FFG: Integrity, P.A]
    I would like to add: and exercise great discernment and much prayerful before repeating, passing on or posting anything that could be twisted truth, misinformation commonly known nowadays as fake news.

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