A class at the camp of the saints

I’ve just gotten back from a trip to northern Europe to see my kids and then a wonderful few days in Romania, at a get-together of Christian disciples, mostly East Europeans. I was asked if I would share a Bible class with the ones there and I was glad to do that. But I didn’t really know what I would share.

And then, as it happens in many situations, “It shall be given you in that hour what you shall speak” (Mark 13:11). Often the Lord can lead you to share on a subject that you had not planned to speak about. And it’s usually important to assess who your class is. Are they new to the faith? Mostly in need of the basics and fundamentals?

But when I was in Romania last week, it was almost the opposite. Nearly everyone there was a veteran of the faith, discipleship Christians who were often teachers themselves and mostly well versed in the milk of the Word, and even a lot of the meat. So I felt led to talk to them about things that I probably wouldn’t have to a different audience.

I’d been asked to share something on the subject of Bible prophecy and possibly where we are in the scheme of things, as Scripture portrays the playing out of human history leading up to the end of this age and the second coming of the Lord.

Most of the people at this get together had already viewed my video series on the prophecies of the Old Testament prophet, Daniel. So, all in all, it was rather like trying to teach a class to those at a somewhat advanced level of their Christian experience.

I know some of you were praying for me and I do believe the Lord was hearing and answering those prayers in the lead-up to that class. Thanks so much; the Lord really came through, perhaps more than I was expecting.

Before the class, I felt led to pull together a list of blog articles that I’ve written over the last 10 years or so, touching on some of the most common questions that people have when it comes to the subject of what Jesus was referring to when He told His disciples, “If I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself…” (John 14:3).

And I should mention that for Christian disciples at the stage these dear ones were, classes like this are not for just accumulating knowledge. A fundamental goal for discipleship Christians is to be able to “give an answer to him that asks you” (I Peter 3:15). A verse that speaks of believers in the final days before the Lord’s return says this: “And they that understand among the people shall instruct many.” (Daniel 11:33) So, knowing how to “answer every man that asks you” is fundamental for those who truly want to serve the Lord.

I’ll include here some of the articles that I shared with these ones, primarily related to questions people have about the return of the Lord. Often you can hear folks say, “Oh, no man knows the day and hour.” Somehow many end up coming to the wrong conclusion about what the Lord meant there. Here’s an article I wrote about this that I shared the highlights of with my friends. https://www.propheciesofdaniel.com/no-man-knows-the-day-and-hour/

A similar thing people say on this subject, and they quote Jesus, is this: “It’s not for you to know the times and seasons…” It seems that often they are coming to conclusions on that verse that are not what it originally meant. Here’s an article I wrote about that. https://www.propheciesofdaniel.com/not-for-you-to-know-the-times-and-seasons/

And you may have heard someone surprisingly tell you something like, “Oh, Jesus actually returned to the earth in 70 AD!” How can you factually and tactfully reply to someone who is saying that? I shared this article with my friends on this subject and how they might respond.  https://www.propheciesofdaniel.com/jesus-returned-to-earth-in-70-a-d/

A question for many was, “How close are we?” “Can we tell in specifics how much longer it will be?” Big subject, big questions. Here’s what I shared about this, perhaps one of the articles that has been discussed the most,

Some there were curious to know what things are like in the States currently and how the culture wars here and the social tension is affecting Christian values and the cause of Christ. I shared with them an article about my own experiences here over the last year or so involving the local school district I’m in and the battle there for the hearts and minds of the young people who go the schools near me. Here’s an article I shared with my friends about that. https://markmcmillion.com/checking-your-local-school-board/

There were lots of other things we talked about but perhaps this will give you an idea of the class I shared and what folks there were interested in. All in all it was a really wonderful time to be away in the mountains of Romania and to be in fellowship with like-minded Christians who are endeavoring to serve the Lord and feed His sheep. I hope this is a blessing to you, thanks again for your interest and prayers.

Your friend,


PS  You might be interested to know what the atmosphere and mood was at a get-together like this of dedicated East European Christians. Seven years ago I was living in Romania and went to a similar gathering. Here’s an article I wrote about how that was.


“Summoning” and A.I.

I scan the horizon daily for “the signs of the times”. Some things have been there for years. But, what’s new? What’s now in view that indicates progress toward the very final end time foreseen in the Bible?

“Artificial Intelligence” has been around for years, in some sense. But in recent times, with things like Chat GPT, there’s a new chapter and a new time of greatly enhanced computer advancement. For me, I view this from the perspective of a Christian who’s looking to see the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and the coming of the future foretold through the Biblical prophets.

I prefer to keep things as simple as possible. But I’m going to need to take the narrative up a notch in discussing A.I. and the Bible, to some of the more mysterious, complex aspects of the Biblical future, spoken of by Jesus and the prophets.

Most of those reading this have heard somewhere of “the Anti-Christ”, the prophesied world dictator who will arise, just before the return of Jesus. And certainly the concept of “the mark of the beast” has become more and more known, even by secularist around the world.

They may not believe it but many millions have come to know the ideas behind the verse that says of a future point in time, “No man might buy or sell unless he had the mark of the beast… in his hand or his forehead”. This is also where the famous reference to “the number of the beast [the anti-Christ] which is 666“. (Revelation 13:16-18)

But the number of those grasping these things greatly shrinks when we get to places in the Bible that may be where we find Artificial Intelligence becoming part of the fulfillment. We could start with one of the least understood things Jesus of Nazareth ever said. And He said it at a pinnacle moment in a pinnacle chapter, when He was telling His disciples about His return to earth and the time just before that event.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand it, I’m not sure anyone yet has a complete, total grasp of how this will be fulfilled. Jesus said, “When you shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, whoso reads, let him understand.” (Matthew 24:15)

Didn’t get it, did you? No worries; we’re going to try to delve into this, comparing Scripture with Scripture, as well as bringing in AI, and then see if there’s a clearer idea of it all from doing that.

Probably the biggest enigma in what Jesus said there is that phrase “the abomination of desolation”. Most likely you have no idea what that is. And I’m not going to be able to definitely clear it all up for you. But it’s worth looking into since Jesus brought it up. And also the prophet Daniel was told about this over 500 years before Jesus pointed to it, when talking about His second coming. [By the way, I went over these things in more detail in a video I did some years ago which linked Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 with the last verse in Daniel 9, verse 27. Here’s the link to that video:]

“Mark! Mark! I have it! The abomination of desolation is the Anti-Christ!”

Well, some do teach that but I personally don’t think the “AC” is the abomination. Jesus said “the abomination of desolation” was spoken of by the prophet Daniel. That phrase is used in several places in Daniel but the one that is most clear is Daniel 11:31. It says this. “And arms [armaments] shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength [soon to be rebuilt temple in Jerusalem]; and they shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that makes desolate.

This and other places always give the picture of the abomination being a thing. Jesus said it will “stand” in the temple. It will be “placed” there. But the Antichrist is a person “the son of perdition”, similarly to how Jesus was a person, the very Son of God. As well, II Thessalonians 2:3 & 4 says the Antichrist will “sit in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God”. So I feel pretty strongly that the abomination is “a thing”, not a person.

The mystery deepens, no? One thing to remember, the word “abomination” in the Old Testament was often used to speak of what we today call an idol. They were physical objects, placed in temples where the gods of old, Dagon, Ashtoreth, Baal and others were worshipped. The Greeks and Romans had similar things, all the way up to New Testament times.

“Mark, is there anything in the book of Revelation about this?”

I think there is and this is where we get a view of where Artificial Intelligence may be an integral part of it all. I mentioned already those mysterious verses in Revelation 13 about “666” and “the mark of the beast”.

But we have to go deeper. We have to squeeze the truth from more of these verses to get a fuller picture. Many have heard vaguely of the Antichrist to come. But far fewer know that the book of Revelation says he will have a “side kick”, evidently a number 2 man, who the Bible calls “the false prophet”. And it says of this false prophet, in Revelation 13 that, “he has power to give life to the image of the Beast, that the image of the Beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the Beast should be slain.” (Revelation 13:15)

What’s the image of the beast, you ask? It becomes fascinating when we find that the word “image” in the Bible is often referring to an idol, just as the word “abomination” did in the Old Testament. If you do a Word study on those two words, “abomination” and “image”, you’ll see how many times they are referring to what we today call idols.

And I’ve taught and do believe that “the image of the beast” in Revelation 13 and “the abomination of desolation” that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24 are the same thing. That might be a jump for some but I believe it is a sound conclusion that can stand review.

It is my opinion that “the abomination of desolation” and “the image of the beast” both refer to some kind of very advanced “machine”, for lack of a better word. Or I could say computer but one that’s so far advanced that it’s beyond what most regular folks in the world today can imagine. My thought on this is similar to a number of Bible students who’ve looked deeply into the specifics of the Bible’s teaching on the end time.

And this falls into the realm of reality since we all know just how fast and how far technology is advancing in those fields. Elon Musk is creating bio chips to link our brains into a mega-network that may bring on forms of bio-technical eternal life.

In all this, I zero in on the verse that says, “He had power to give life to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many of those that did not worship the beast should be slain”. So, a life-infused computer that can speak, also directing or monitoring all economic transactions on earth, as it says in Revelation 13:17. But actually, how farfetched does that really seem to be in the times we now live in?

I want to bring in here some things that have appeared recently in the New York Times newspaper. And keep in mind the part about “he had power to give life to the image of the beast”. Because that’s what’s comes to my mind when I’ve several times seen the word “summoning” in connection with what the absolute top scientists in Silicon Valley and elsewhere are working on with these things.

What are those tech creators summoning? The articles say they are summoning spirits, demons from beyond or whatever to inhabit and dwell in their most advanced computer concoctions in order to have them reach the limits and realms that the A.I. coders are trying to take things to. And this sounds exactly like what those verses in the book of Revelation said would ultimately happen.

I’ll end this with just a few of the quotes I’ve taken note of in the New York Times articles that have come out about this. Here’s one.

“In 2018, Sundar Pichai, the chief executive of Google — and not one of the tech executives known for overstatement — said, ‘A.I. is probably the most important thing humanity has ever worked on. I think of it as something more profound than electricity or fire.’”

[from https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/11/technology/silicon-valley-confronts-the-idea-that-the-singularity-is-here.html]

And even more, this quote gets to the essence of where AI advancement has come to. Read this paragraph with focus and bring in what the Bible says “the image of the Beast” will be capable of.

“We typically reach for science fiction stories when thinking about A.I. I’ve come to believe the apt metaphors lurk in fantasy novels and occult texts. As my colleague Ross Douthat wrote, this is an act of summoning. The coders casting these spells have no idea what will stumble through the portal. What is oddest, in my conversations with them, is that they speak of this freely. These are not naifs who believe their call can be heard only by angels. They believe they might summon demons. They are calling anyway.”

[from https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/12/opinion/chatbots-artificial-intelligence-future-weirdness.html]

Friends, this is not coming from Alex Jones or some loony loner in a cabin in Idaho. This is published in what’s considered by the power elites to be the most reputable newspaper in America. They boldly publish that the most advanced scientific creators are now openly summoning demons into their computers.

I’ll end this with part of an article by Ross Douthat, again in the New York Times. It perhaps summarizes much better than I can what we are seeing here and what this is leading towards.

In this sense what we’re doing resembles a complex incantation, a calling of spirits from Shakespeare’s “vasty deep.” Build a system that imitates human intelligence, make it talk like a person and answer questions like an encyclopedia and solve problems through leaps we can’t quite follow, and wait expectantly to see if something infuses itself into the mysterious space where the leaps are happening, summoned by the inviting home that we have made.

Such a summoning is most feared by A.I. alarmists, at present, because the spirit might be disobedient, destructive, a rampaging Skynet bent on our extermination.

But the old stories of the magicians and their bargains, of Faust and his Mephistopheles, suggest that we would be wise to fear apparent obedience as well.’

[from https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/02/opinion/magic-science-ufo-ai.html]



Has Putin shot his bolt?

There was almost no fear greater than the fear of Russia. But now Putin’s had to (as they say in poker), “Put what you’ve got on the table.” And it hasn’t looked good so far. No one expected Ukraine to be able to withstand Russia. But they have.

One year into the war, it’s rather a stalemate. But that’s a defeat in many ways for Russia. They were our greatest fear and have been for over 70 years. And now? You can feel they have perhaps two choices. Go fully nuclear, the unspeakable alternative that’s remained our global fear since World War II. Or they can continue to send 10’s of 1000’s of their young men (in a nation desperate to repopulate itself) into the meat grinder of eastern Ukraine, to face resolute Ukrainians and the best weapons the Western powers can provide. Simply put, it’s not looking great for the mystique of Russian superiority and ultimate world dominance, as so many of us have bought into for so long.

And what if you study Bible prophecy? What about “the king of the north”? What about Ezekiel 38? My friends, we’ve been counting on these guys, haven’t we? No need to squirm, I could do the same. I think there are a lot of folks around who’ve been counting on Russia to provide a good deal of the power and “evil” to be fulfilled that’s been predicted in the end time build up, spoken of in the books of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation.

But presently, Russia is losing huge numbers of troops and equipment on the plains of eastern Ukraine. And those resources in blood and treasure are not something that springs freely up out of the ground. They are depleted, they’re being exhausted and so very many look at it and feel it’s a fool’s errand that Mr. Putin has sent Russian power and prestige into. “All for nothing”, so many feel of the present war in Ukraine. My prophecy aficionado friends, how will Russia invade the Middle East if they can’t even take the eastern most part of Ukraine?

I hope you’re not expecting me to pull the cookies out of the fire and the rabbit out of the hat on this. I’m as stumped as you are. Perhaps some scenario develops where Putin is overthrown and a new leader arises who’ll lead Russia into a wiser and more prosperous future, more than at any time in its past. But as always, “what if’s” abound at every turn.

How does this all impact the picture of the unfolding end time, which in other areas continues to proceed most forebodingly? I really don’t know. And in my searching the internet for anyone else out there who sees all these data points leading us toward… what!…, I haven’t heard of anyone coming up with a clear, cognizant foreseeing of where all this is leading.

New and stranger goings on proceed briskly in the secular nation of Israel in the Middle East. Will the new, ultra religious government there clear the way for the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem? And artificial intelligence meanwhile is gathering pace by leaps and bounds; some now predict that “the singularity” is only 7 years away. Tragic natural disasters fall on top of immense refugee crises, war against Iran is a daily storm on the horizon, Western nations muddle through their internal befuddlements and suicide rates for young people increase year by year.

And the latest fear is that China will come to the aid of Russia with an infinity of weaponry, matching what the West is giving Ukraine. My, how that would be an unfathomably ominous turn of events in this saga. Would that not bring us face to face with the full scenario of World War III that was so before us at the height of the Cold War?

How does it all turn out? Will Russia ultimately sue for peace (as Germany did in World War I) and be defeated on the battle field after human losses unheard of before that time? Will China come to the side and aid of Russia, creating a new axis of power internationally? Will there be a cease fire where both sides get just enough of what they want so that both can claim a type of victory? Your guess may be as good as mine.

Still, I remain convinced that the end of the matter of these wars and rumors of wars is that through the haze and heartbreak will be the unfolding of Bible prophecy that will ultimately lead to the so welcomed second coming of our dear Jesus Christ to bring peace to the earth, after “a time of trouble such as was not since the beginning of the world”, to establish His righteous government, ordained and foretold by God and the prophets.

Of course that sounds ludicrous to the unbelievers who are in the majority now. But as the final events unfold, I believe so many will see ultimately that the only sane explanation of this present world is one that takes us to what turns out to be truly our only hope: God Himself and His intervention to save us all from ourselves and each other, where the people of the earth accept and welcome the intervention of God to pull our existence out of the destruction we have brought it to.

Checking your local school board

I’m flooded daily with info/spin regarding our society. But I’ve come to feel that the local schools in, not my country but my county is the realm in which I can and should try to take action.

In all the overstatements and hyperbola that’s so normal now, I hesitate to explain how important I’ve come to see simple school board elections going on in the 20 miles around me. In the last few months I’ve often spoken at school board meetings for the independent school district that I live in, which has around 40,000 students.

Again, there’s so much overstatement in our times that if I try to tell you what’s going on, you’ll very easily default to the “my eyes glaze over” attitude that so many of us have had to take on, just to survive all that we’re almost assaulted with.

But, friends, this is not about the border, not  about gun rights or black lives matter or Afghanistan, Hillary, Hunter, Benghazi, Israel, Iran, inflation or the price of gasoline. This is about your and my children and grandchildren. It’s plainly and simply as clear as that.

Let me offer you a realistic scenario that’s not at all outside the possible. Your 11 or 12 year old son, daughter or grandchild comes home from school and wants to talk with you or their parents. Haltingly, they announce that they’re no longer the gender they were born with. They explain that they’ve been learning in public school that they’re free to choose their gender and that they can be liberated from the shackles of society’s bonds and “to be what they inwardly have come to realize they really are.”

Ones in school have been helping them in this “transition”, there are medical procedures that have been offered them and they feel they have the boldness to break free and to change their sex and their identify.

You gasp. “Where did you get that idea?!” They calmly explain that they’ve been getting council and help for months if not years from teachers and councilors at the public school you’ve been trusting was taking care of the most precious thing in your life, your child or grandchild. But it is too late.

Without your knowledge, this influence has been going on for months or years in the public school your child or grandchild has been going to. And by the time you find out about it, it’s too late. They openly now wear clothing contrary to the gender they were born. They’ve morphed into another person than the one you raised. You are helpless, enraged and desperate. But it’s too late.

And this scenario is playing out in innumerable families across America and the world for that matter. While parents and grandparents were lulled into a false sense of security that “certainly our children are safe in the public schools of Texas!” or where ever you live, these outside forces have persistently and with great organization and cunning been able to implement agendas in schools across the country that have made this nightmare a reality for parents and grandparents across this nation.

Is there any solution? Can anything be done? If we change Presidents, will that change things? Or change governors or senators? From what I’ve been experiencing, I’ve found that the lynchpin in all this lies much closer to the local level. Evidently the real center of power in these things is the local school board that oversees the local schools in your area. Where I live, there are 7 members on the school board. Presently, one of them is a dedicated Christian, vehemently opposed to the gender dystopia that is funneled into the school district classrooms from “woke”, ultra leftist gender-bender organizations at the national level.

And there are school board elections coming up in the elections in November. While we are so swapped with controversies about national elections, the fact is that the members of your local school board are the ones who make the decisions as to what is let into the curriculum of the schools your kids and grandkids go to. And what is kept out.

You didn’t know that? The local media didn’t report any of this? They don’t because even here in supposedly ultra Christian central Texas, virtually every element of the media is safely in the hands of the most “progressive” elements of the leftists. So what I’m sharing here just goes unreported.

I grew up in a media family and was around newspapers almost daily from the time I was 4. This is the background I was brought up with and it grieves me how much the modern media has ceased to portray any form of balanced, unbiased information.

The bottom line? If you don’t know where to put your time and energies, I suggest you check out the situation in your local schools where your kids and grandkids are being educated. Concerned, often Christian, parents and grandparents have been “flipping” local school boards in Texas and elsewhere over the last year or so and have been able to turn the tide of ungodly filth that has made such an inroad into the lives of our children and grandchildren. “Woke” school trustees have been voted out in elections and ones with traditional values have been voted in to turn back the influx of evil that has been filing schools.

Thank God we still have a pretty good dose of democracy still with us. I mean really, thank God. Elections can still change things, especially at the local level. So, I suggest you perhaps look into it. What kind of “gender studies” are your children and grandchildren being subjected to in elementary and middle schools, not to mention high schools? What kind of books do they find in the school libraries? Have you ever looked at some of those books? So often books are there that are literally “as gross as it gets”, fully illustrated. Your local media didn’t tell you that? No, they usually don’t.

This may be one of the greatest spiritual battles of our times, of our generation. It reminds me of the place in Revelation where it says The dragon stood before the woman to devour the child as soon as it was brought forth.” (Revelation 12:4) Whether the Dragon devours children though abortion, before birth, or whether it devastates the souls of children through gender dystopia in public schools, either way the devil is in an active onslaught against children in these times and he’s gotten away with a lot.

The thief comes not but to kill and to steal.” (John 10:10)

In our times, if the devil can’t kill them through abortion, he now tries to steal them in public schools after they are born. So there is nothing new under the sun.

But if you’re waiting for the news of this to appear on your local TV, you may not hear of it until your children tell you they want a sex change, if then. And it will be too late.

In summation, simply put, check it out. Before it’s too late. Which it already almost is.

Jesus returned to earth in 70 A.D.?

Did Jesus of Nazareth’s 2nd coming happen in 70 A.D? Did the fulfillments of dozens of prophecies reach their final climax then? Don’t laugh. Sadly there has been a ripple in the community of those who believe in the Lord’s return, somehow gazing toward this view that the return of Jesus to reign and rule happened in 70 AD.

Instead of sharing thoughts I have on this, I think it would be best to just share what the Early Church Fathers said on this subject. Several of these men died a martyr’s death. And they lived and led the Christians at the time when the vehement fires of Christian discipleship were at their strongest, in the first one to three hundred years after the ascension of the Lord.

If anyone had a close understanding of the original mindset of the “church” that Jesus left behind on earth, it would be these men and women. Did they believe the Lord had come back in 70 AD? Were they looking to that date as the time of the fulfillment of most all prophecies?

Of course you know the answer. None of them talked or taught that way. They all looked forward to the future, yet-to-be-fulfilled return of the Lord, after 42 months of great tribulation and the revelation of the endtime antichrist spoken of in prophecy throughout Scripture. Here’s what they said.

Barnabas, who  traveled with the Apostle Paul,  wrote: “The final stumbling block approaches…for the whole past time of your faith will profit you nothing, unless now in this wicked time we also withstand coming sources of danger….then the evil one Antichrist may find no means of entrance….” (Epistle of Barnabas, chp.4)

Justin Martyr (100-165) wrote: “The man of apostasy, [Antichrist] who speaks strange things
against the Most High, shall venture to do unlawful deeds on the earth against us the Christians..” (Dialogue with Trypho, chp.110)

Irenaeus (138-202)  a contemporary of  Justin Martyr, wrote: “And they, the ten kings who will arise, shall lay Babylon waste, and burn her with fire, and shall give their kingdom to the beast antichrist and put the church to flight” (Against Heresies, V, chp.26)

Tertullian (150-220)  a contemporary of  Irenaeus,  wrote: “The souls of the martyrs are taught to wait [Rev.6:9-10] that the beast Antichrist with his false prophet may wage war on the Church of God…” (On the Resurrection of the Flesh, chp.25)

Cyprian (200-258)  a contemporary of  Tertullian,  wrote: “The day of affliction has begun to hang over our heads, and the end of the world and the time of the Antichrist to draw near, so that we must all stand prepared for the battle…” (Epistle, 55, 1)

Cyril of Jerusalem (315-386),  wrote: “The church declares to you the things concerning Antichrist before they arrive…it is well that, knowing these things, thou shouldest make thyself ready beforehand.” (Catechetical Lectures, 15,9)

And there is much more than this, from the pillars of Christianity from the Early Church Fathers to modern times, pointing towards the future coming of the Lord as well as the end time events that the Bible says will happen in the very final days before His return. If you have an interest in these things and want to read more on this, you could go to this link, https://earlychurchbelief.blogspot.com/2008/08/early-church-fathers.html

But certainly some will ask, “Why does any of this matter?”

If the enemy of God can get us to drop our spiritual sword and shield, then he gains victory over us. And it can be a very disarming thought that virtually all Bible prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD, that the climactic, world- shattering prophecies of Daniel, Revelation and many others in the Bible, not to mention the words of Jesus Himself, were all drained of their significance at the time of the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

It’s like that cartoon I put in another article on this subject, which I’ll add again here. “Relax, it all happened in 70 AD.” Exactly, if that’s the conclusion you come to. Relax.

Except that that’s not the voice of the Lord and the doctrine isn’t either.

I’ve tried to make this article short enough so that folks will feel they can read it without getting bogged down. If you’ve somehow come in contact with this doctrine, it’s technical name is “preterism”, I hope that these quotes on the subject from the Early Church Fathers will persuade you that the earliest Christians did not at all look at 70 AD as “the end”. But they looked forward, as many of us now do, to a coming return of the Lord to establish His Kingdom on earth. God bless you.



Don’t be soon shaken in mind or be troubled

The hits keep coming, no? Seems like, if the right one don’t get you, the left one will, unless you watch out. That’s what I’m experiencing right now. And from what I’m hearing from friends, a lot of people -young and old- are experiencing the same.

Maybe you could say, like in the song in the movie “Joker”, “That’s Life!” But actually life isn’t always like that and all the time. Kids in schools here are “identifying” not only as opposite to their genders, but some public school students are identifying as cats or other animals in elementary and middle schools! And they’re getting public attention and media backing if the other students and the school administration don’t fully support them in their new identity as a cat or dog in public school!!

One in 7 students in some middle schools here have recorded a personal suicide plan. Teachers are leaving public schools in unprecedented numbers.

School board meetings across America are becoming the culture wars’ front line of combat. I’ve been involved in those here locally in recent months. But just everywhere you look, there seems to be a great confusion upon this country and it may be the same in other countries as well.

I had to ask some dear friends tonight to pray for me as I’ve been having some health issues and then on top of that the outlook across the landscape of my nation is looking increasingly bleak and foreboding. It’s like a howling storm outside and I’ve had to retreat a little bit at the moment, just to draw back and count my many blessings, to remember the Rock upon which my personal life is founded and to not let “the affairs of this life choke the Word” (Luke 8:14), which can happen if I pay too much attention to “the affairs of this life”.

For the people of faith, the people of Jesus and His Word, these are the times that can test us to the edge. Really a lot of people are just throwing in the towel. They are committing suicide. They are seeking solace in drugs and multitudes are dying there, so many in their teens and 20’s. Or they are grabbing their rifle and going out to kill as many as they can. They are despondent and at wit’s end corner. I too have felt to some degree what I imagine millions of Americans are feeling.

It’s hell to be alone. “All the lonely people, where do they all belong?, sang the Beatles. What a heart cry and question for our times. To be expected, the Bible answered that question 3000 years ago. “God sets the solitary in families (Psalm 68:6)..

I’m so thankful that I’ve had at least some fellowship and community to be a part of in the last 6 or so years. Fellow missionaries rented a room to me in their house and I became part of their family to some degree. Then in the last year it’s worked out to get my own place; a dear missionary couple now rent two rooms from me here and I’m very blessed to have their fellowship and camaraderie.

I don’t know how I’d be doing if I was just totally on my own in this increasingly crazy, cold, confusing world as it is now. I talked to a sister in the Lord a few days ago, another dear soul who’s “borne the burden and the heat of the day” (Matthew 20:12) on some far-flung mission fields for decades and is now alone, a sad widow, longing for friends, family and to find a way forward.

The verse that came to me that prompted me to write this article is worth referring to at this time. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, “That you be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled…” (II Thes. 2:2). . That is totally how things can be sometimes. Without the strong tower of the Lord –Proverbs 18:10- and His salvation, His Word and safe keeping, none of us are able to stand against the onslaughts that come against every person alive in this world.

But just toughing it out won’t really work. It’s a bigger storm than that. Think of the suicides, the drug overdoses, the mass killings, the howling rage on the Left and on the Right that is just the way it is here in America in these times. And you think you are just going to be blithely oblivious to it all? If you have a conscience and are aware at all of the conditions of our society, you are going to be distraught, troubled and desperate, at least I think so.

Solutions. For one and the first, be saved in Christ. Be assured of your salvation and as well, receive the indwelling power of the promised Holy Spirit, as the Early Church did. You can think, “Oh, if I was about to be martyred by the Islamic forces of ISIS, I would be an incredibly bold witness for the Lord!” Maybe you would be.

But so often the Devil attacks as the serpent, with his words, before He attacks physically as the dragon. Right now the forces of the Serpent are grinding insidiously upon every individual in our nation and you as a Christian are going to have to take on the full armor of God to withstand the darkness, perhaps as you never have until now.

Are you standing on the Word? Have you memorized and are you quoting the promises of God? Are you steadfastly resisting  the darkness and drawing near to the Lord? Also, are you in some kind of fellowship with others who are strong in Him? This doesn’t necessarily have to be some formal church; that actually might not even work since so many there consciously choose to minimize the crises of our times. That’s often been my personal experience here.

Are you in fellowship with other Christians who can pray with your and support you in your faith and battle? “One shall chase a thousand and two shall put ten thousand to flight” (Deut 32:30). You will have all the more difficulty if you’re trying to face these hellish times on your own. Get in contact with praying, believing, fighting, aware Christians who you can band together with and be stronger together with.

“Mark, is this the end time?! Are we about to see the final end time events, Mark!?”


I don’t know; it would seem so. But I do know that presently we are seeing “Men’s hearts failing them for fear” (Luke 21:26) ; we are seeing “Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matthew 24:12) and many other such verses about the end time that describe well our present distress.

I was listening to a daily devotion by Charles Spurgeon this morning and it really spoke to me. He talked about how God closed the door of the Ark upon Noah and his family. God separated and protected Noah’s family as the very worst days of God’s judgments on earth happened. And then Spurgeon quoted a verse that I’ve been aware of but have seldom every used much.

Isaiah 26:20 says, “Come, my people, enter into your chambers and shut your doors around you; hide for a little moment, until the fury has passed by.” I’ve never been one much for monastic living or the hermit’s life. I’ve believed that the Lord’s admonition, “Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in” (Luke 14:23) was what Jesus wanted His disciples to do.

But certainly there is a time and place to, for the most part, hunker down, to pray and stay in fellowship with others almost like how it is in Texas when a hurricane or tornado is going over you. Things right now may actually be just that tough.

Are you about to get knocked out by the tempestuous storms of confusion and Godlessness that are prevailing presently in America? Are you staying strengthened in the Lord? Do you know of any lost sheep out there alone in the storm who may not make it without your fellowship and inclusion? It’s very rough right now for many people, 11 year olds and 70 year olds. God help us all to be drawing circles that count others in. Be not soon shaken in mind.

The Book of Daniel Chapter 12 video, “The End and Beyond”

I’ve been able to complete the video about the last chapter in the book of Daniel, chapter 12. There the angel highlights the main points of the future that have been revealed to Daniel and, in the last verses in the chapter, adds a surprising final revelation that takes us further beyond “the end”.

I started this series of videos on the prophecies of Daniel around 19 years ago so it’s something of a milestone for me to have finished the series. And in doing this video, I came to a much greater appreciation of this chapter and all that is there.

Even though Daniel 12 is the shortest chapter in the book, this video turned out to be over 50% longer than any of the earlier videos on Daniel, mainly because there was so much to go into, to unpack and then to explain.  Jesus Himself actually quoted from this chapter when he was answering His disciples’ questions about His second coming.

In these presently strange, dire times we’re passing through, it was a comfort and clarification for me to look again at how things will actually all turn out, according to God’s prophetic Word. I was reminded of what the true battles are that we should fight, how the disciples of the final days are suppose to conduct themselves and the genuine heavenly vision they should have. Currently there are so many distracting local skirmishes going on. So it helps to see again what the battle lines of the final endtime will be and what our roles will be then, and now as well.

I hope you enjoy the video. Below is the link to it on YouTube.

Your friend in Him,


Proponents of the Truth

If there is anything a Christian should be known for, it should be for their truth. We should be known for our love, certainly. But if we’re weak in truth, it discredits the Lord and all He stood for. Jesus said, “Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice”. (John 18:37) He even said, “I am… the truth…” (John 14:6)

So truth, “speaking the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15) and just loving truth the way we love God and Jesus should be at the core of every true Christian.

And the same way we are to “hate evil” (Psalm 97:10), we should have a disdain and abhorrence for falsehood and even half truths. But if ever there was a time when the shadows of darkness and, frankly, the lies of the devil are running rampant and making inroads into the minds and hearts of the believers, it seems to be now.

There’s an amazing thing that’s to be found in the Book of Revelation about the conditions of the time right before the Lord’s return. It’s somewhat mysterious but I think it speaks plainly about the level of falsehood that saturates our lives today.

Revelation 12 verses 15 & 16 say this  And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

Waters in Scripture often represent words. Jesus said of His disciples, “Out of their bellies shall flow rivers of living water”, speaking of the Holy Spirit that they would receive. But conversely, the devil also has his “waters”, Satan’s lies and propaganda which evidently will really be poured out in the final days. [And are being poured out already right now!]

And it says that “the earth”, the ungodly of this world, will swallow those waters that the serpent cast out of his mouth. But, significantly, it doesn’t say the woman, the bride of Christ will swallow them.

If ever there was a time when Christians should be diligently focused on finding the truth, holding the truth, speaking the truth and shunning falsehood, it should be in these times. It’s such a poor testimony of the Lord when Christians are easily deceived into some worldly cause or movement that is in fact a pitifully poor substitute for the genuine and truthful cause of Christ and the truth of His Word.

Some people think about purity and they immediately think of something moral or immoral, as they understand it. But simply extolling and embracing truth, while feeling a repulsion to lies and even half truths, can be an even greater need and testimony. It grieves me when I see so many believers get sucked into the affairs of this life and secular political parties, even long time friends I’ve known from the mission field who now view politics as their service to God.

Jesus even in His lifetime talked about those who will “…think they do God service”. But what will they be actually doing? Jesus said in John 16:2, “The time will come that whosoever kills you will think they are doing God service.” As many of you know, there are oodles of Christians who’ve gotten so involved with the affairs of this life that they are convinced that they need to take up physical arms and to be willing to kill others in their service for the Lord!

Isn’t that pitiful?! What a travesty of true Christian discipleship! I wrote something 7 years ago called “A Strong Man, Armed” about when there may be some margin of place where, to physically defend your family, bearing arms may be justified.

But then so many here in the States at least, nominal Christians and sometimes genuinely sincere Christians, are convince that a huge stock of guns is the only alternative for the people of faith. It’s really sad how many believers of our times have veered from the example of the Early Church as well as the pattern and explanation we have in the prophetic Word about the church of the endtime, before the coming of the Lord.

I’m convinced that, just as the Early Church was, the final church of the Endtime before the coming of the Lord will be dependent utterly on Him, His Word and His miraculous intervention and direction. This all just shows us how very far astray much of  Christianity in our times has gone and how much we actually need the cleansing purifying of persecution which, among other things, will sweep away all those who “walk in the counsel of the ungodly and stand in the way of sinners.” (Psalm 1:1) Lord help us!

And He will. He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. The Lord  is going to purify His church, purge out the abundant dross, worldly influences and political entanglements that are so utterly prevalent. He has to. Otherwise the believers of the final Endtime will in no way be prepared in any way for the onslaught that will come against them.

But it starts with truth. The deceptions that have captured so many believers of these times must be destroyed, like the idols the prophets of old had to smash and defy. It’s still the same today. Amen, Lord, do it.

PS   And this morning, as I somewhat hesitated to post this article, I heard verses quoted in a devotional which I know I’ve never noticed before.  “For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, even as you walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” (III John verses 3 & 4)

The book of Daniel chapter 11-b, “The Last 3½ Years”

First, on a personal note, I’m doing well, staying healthy, active and looking forward to the many things on the plate and in the works over the next few months.

As most of you know, one of my main occupations in the last few years has been to work on the production of videos on the subject of the prophecies of Daniel in the Bible. Around 2014, having completed videos through Daniel chapter 9 in English, I began to concentrate on doing them in foreign languages. It worked out, thank you Lord, that videos have now been done in 14 languages besides English and a total of over 60 videos have been placed on my site and on YouTube.

Then this year I felt I should swing back towards doing them in English again and to try to finish the rest of the book of Daniel. So far 3 new English videos have been done in 2020 and there is only one more left to do.

I’ll include here the link to the one that went up a week ago, about the last 15 verses in Daniel chapter 11. Those 15 verses are possibly the summit in the study of the book of Daniel. The passage is one of the most detailed and specific views of the last 3½ years before the return of Jesus that can be found in the Scriptures,  an in-depth view of the action, events and characters that will be at the forefront of the last few years before the return of Jesus to establish His rule on earth.

I hope you are all well, staying healthy and also inspired by all the Lord is doing in the lives of people around the world during this trying time.

Here is the link  to the video:

Are you worried about “the mark of the Beast”?

There’s a lot online now about “the mark of the Beast”. So many people are concerned about this that I feel I should say something. I put off writing this article but several people recently wrote me about this.

Is “the mark of the Beast” already here? Can it be forced on you? Is the Covid 19 vaccine “the mark of the Beast”? A great Bible verse to remember in times like this is, “God is not the author of confusion…” (I Corinthians 14:33).

I wonder how many people even know what “the mark of the Beast” is or, I should say, what it will be. It’s in the news a lot currently, even in some of the mainstream media. Briefly, “the mark of the Beast” is found in the book of Revelation, mainly in chapter 13. This chapter is about the last “forty-two months” (Revelation 13:5) before the return of Jesus to this earth as the King of God that he is.

Here’s the most specific thing in Scriptures about the mark of the Beast.

“And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. And his number is six hundred and sixty six.” (Revelation 13:16-18)

Of course, including this here may bring to mind more questions than it does answers. Who is the “he” mentioned at the beginning? What kind of “mark” is it talking about? Some kind of tattoo? Or like what many now say: an implant of some kind? What does that mean about “666”? Or even the simply question: what is “the beast”? I’ll answer that one right away. “The beast” is the Antichrist of the endtime who’s been predicted to come in many places both in the Old and New Testament.

But it gets worse. Because the next chapter, chapter 14, tells us that

“…the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If any man worships the beast and his image and receives his mark in his forehead or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation. And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.” (Revelation 14:9 & 10)

So the Bible says that in the very last days, no person will be able to buy or sell unless they have “the mark of the beast”. And then it says that anyone who does accept the mark of the beast will be punished with the wrath of God. Wonderfully, we can fall back on the strong promise in God’s Word, that “He will not allow us to be tempted above that we are able to bear but with the temptation he will make a way of escape, that we may be able to bear it.” (I Corinthians 10:13)

And this is exactly what the Bible says that God is planning to do in this last period of 3½ years before the second coming of the Lord. We’ve seen what is said about all this in Revelation chapter 13 and 14. But in Revelation chapter 12, there are incredible promises to His believing children, the Christian believers of the final days. Twice in the chapter, it says almost the same thing. Verse 6 of Revelation 12 says

And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and sixty days.

Then perhaps for emphasis and to underline the Lord’s faithfulness to His bride, the body of believers in the final days, verse 14 says,

And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time from the face of the serpent.

For an explanation of that phrase referring to “a time, times, and half a time”, see the video I did on Daniel 7, at around the 24:32 mark, where I explain about this. Daniel chapter 7 is the first place in the Bible where that phrase, “a time, times, and half a time”, is used to refer to 3.5 years. But it comes up in other Scriptures many more times after this.

Where does this leave us? Are we all going to be killed if we don’t take the mark of the beast? Or sent to the lake of fire if we do? I certainly don’t believe that those are our only two options.

To keep this somewhat short, I’ll add in here the links to two articles I’ve done specifically on “the woman in the wilderness” that is spoken of in Revelation 12. Here is a recent article written on it. And here is one, “Fleeing into the wilderness… in Bulgaria” that I wrote a few years ago, when I was in Bulgaria, on the subject of “the woman in the wilderness” in the final days.

I don’t believe you can be forced to take the mark of the beast, when it does ultimately appear, probably in times soon to come. God is not going to pour out His wrath on you because you were compelled to go against His will. “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world”. (I John 4:4)

Neither do I believe at all that any upcoming vaccine against the corona virus is going to be, or contain, the mark of the Beast. This is ludicrous, unscriptural palaver. Christians really need to be reading up about things and not be victims of such shallow, politically motivated hearsay.

I get upset at how easily Christians nowadays are duped into believing the latest fad or “wind of doctrine” that blows their way concerning Bible prophecy. It may be a sign of how weak and unlearned the majority of believers are when it comes to knowledge of the prophetic end time.

If there is any good in the current hue and cry about the corona virus and the mark of the beast, it could be that at least it is getting out the basic idea that there will be a mark of the beast in the end time. This is similar to how the movie a few years back about “Left Behind” got out the idea of the second coming of the Lord, even though the central premise of  that movie was that there would be a Rapture before the Great Tribulation which is false doctrine.

If you are currently worrying about the mark of the beast, I suggest you don’t. Instead, try to really get into the Word about it and the whole subject of the final days before the second coming of the Lord. I’ve spent the last few years in making a series of videos on the prophecies of Daniel which are featured on my website by that name where this article appears. There are also many blog articles that go into various aspects of the end times. I hope the material will be a blessing to you and that you will be able to grow in a knowledge of His Word for the difficult times that already face us and for the more difficult times soon to come.