A class at the camp of the saints

I’ve just gotten back from a trip to northern Europe to see my kids and then a wonderful few days in Romania, at a get-together of Christian disciples, mostly East Europeans. I was asked if I would share a Bible class with the ones there and I was glad to do that. But I didn’t really know what I would share.

And then, as it happens in many situations, “It shall be given you in that hour what you shall speak” (Mark 13:11). Often the Lord can lead you to share on a subject that you had not planned to speak about. And it’s usually important to assess who your class is. Are they new to the faith? Mostly in need of the basics and fundamentals?

But when I was in Romania last week, it was almost the opposite. Nearly everyone there was a veteran of the faith, discipleship Christians who were often teachers themselves and mostly well versed in the milk of the Word, and even a lot of the meat. So I felt led to talk to them about things that I probably wouldn’t have to a different audience.

I’d been asked to share something on the subject of Bible prophecy and possibly where we are in the scheme of things, as Scripture portrays the playing out of human history leading up to the end of this age and the second coming of the Lord.

Most of the people at this get together had already viewed my video series on the prophecies of the Old Testament prophet, Daniel. So, all in all, it was rather like trying to teach a class to those at a somewhat advanced level of their Christian experience.

I know some of you were praying for me and I do believe the Lord was hearing and answering those prayers in the lead-up to that class. Thanks so much; the Lord really came through, perhaps more than I was expecting.

Before the class, I felt led to pull together a list of blog articles that I’ve written over the last 10 years or so, touching on some of the most common questions that people have when it comes to the subject of what Jesus was referring to when He told His disciples, “If I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself…” (John 14:3).

And I should mention that for Christian disciples at the stage these dear ones were, classes like this are not for just accumulating knowledge. A fundamental goal for discipleship Christians is to be able to “give an answer to him that asks you” (I Peter 3:15). A verse that speaks of believers in the final days before the Lord’s return says this: “And they that understand among the people shall instruct many.” (Daniel 11:33) So, knowing how to “answer every man that asks you” is fundamental for those who truly want to serve the Lord.

I’ll include here some of the articles that I shared with these ones, primarily related to questions people have about the return of the Lord. Often you can hear folks say, “Oh, no man knows the day and hour.” Somehow many end up coming to the wrong conclusion about what the Lord meant there. Here’s an article I wrote about this that I shared the highlights of with my friends. https://www.propheciesofdaniel.com/no-man-knows-the-day-and-hour/

A similar thing people say on this subject, and they quote Jesus, is this: “It’s not for you to know the times and seasons…” It seems that often they are coming to conclusions on that verse that are not what it originally meant. Here’s an article I wrote about that. https://www.propheciesofdaniel.com/not-for-you-to-know-the-times-and-seasons/

And you may have heard someone surprisingly tell you something like, “Oh, Jesus actually returned to the earth in 70 AD!” How can you factually and tactfully reply to someone who is saying that? I shared this article with my friends on this subject and how they might respond.  https://www.propheciesofdaniel.com/jesus-returned-to-earth-in-70-a-d/

A question for many was, “How close are we?” “Can we tell in specifics how much longer it will be?” Big subject, big questions. Here’s what I shared about this, perhaps one of the articles that has been discussed the most,

Some there were curious to know what things are like in the States currently and how the culture wars here and the social tension is affecting Christian values and the cause of Christ. I shared with them an article about my own experiences here over the last year or so involving the local school district I’m in and the battle there for the hearts and minds of the young people who go the schools near me. Here’s an article I shared with my friends about that. https://markmcmillion.com/checking-your-local-school-board/

There were lots of other things we talked about but perhaps this will give you an idea of the class I shared and what folks there were interested in. All in all it was a really wonderful time to be away in the mountains of Romania and to be in fellowship with like-minded Christians who are endeavoring to serve the Lord and feed His sheep. I hope this is a blessing to you, thanks again for your interest and prayers.

Your friend,


PS  You might be interested to know what the atmosphere and mood was at a get-together like this of dedicated East European Christians. Seven years ago I was living in Romania and went to a similar gathering. Here’s an article I wrote about how that was.


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