Daily habits

Daily habits at times can seem to be a pointless routine, a of rut of drudgery that we fall into. But this morning I was struck by how thankful I am that I have some daily spiritual habits that have become a part of my life and that they have been for my good.

Some of us just like spontaneity. We’re skeptical of almost any established thing and we just want to kick over the traditions and have a really good cleansing revolution! But then many find that it’s a whole lot easier to be opposed to something and to find fault than it is to really find something truly better. And then, next, to steadfastly go that better way, building up a better life, a better structure and better system than the one we so vehemently originally opposed.

And often it can start with person daily habits. When we were kids, if we had good parents, they taught us such simple things as brushing our teeth, taking a bath, looking both ways before crossing the street, tiny little seemingly insignificant things. But often it’s those habits that make up our lives for the most part and the importance of little things done daily is so often a theme in the Bible.

For me, having daily devotions is a fundamental part of my life. Spending decades on the mission field, working closely with other Christian disciples, you just find that it’s essential to start the day off with prayer, devotion and some time in God’s Word. And now, although I’m not working as closely as I did with others years ago, I still just don’t have a day go by without a time of morning devotions.

I have music that I listen to, songs of faith, that help me start the day. Then, after breakfast, I have several devotional books that have readings for each day of the year that I go through. I have two of the books from “Streams in the Desert” by Mrs. Cowman which have been such a blessing. I read daily from A. B. Simpson’s “Days of Heaven on Earth”. I listen to Spurgen’s “Morning and Evening” thoughts. And a highpoint for me has been to listen to readings of J. C. Ryle’s thoughts on the gospel of Luke.

After this devotion time is finished, I go out to the extended back yard we have on this property on the countryside and take some time in prayer and getting quiet and pouring out my heart before the Lord. Several of the blog articles I’ve written came from thoughts that came to me during this time out in the back.Green Leaves Hanging On” and “Cardinals in the Winter” are two like that.

And actually, when you read the Bible, you find that this experience of daily habits that the Lord wants us to have has been a constant for thousands of years. Daniel was accustomed to praying 3 times a day and this is what his adversaries used to accuse him to the king of Persia that he was worshiping contrary to the King’s decrees. Of course the whole Law of Moses was full of edicts and guidelines on how the Jews should worship God, in the temple as well as in almost every aspect of their lives.

Can it all turn into tradition and meaningless formalism? It certainly can and sadly often does. The Bible and history is full of that happening. But what’s probably even worse is that, repulsed by empty traditions, many people commit an even greater sin. They “throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

They root out the wheat with the tares, to use the analogy that Jesus shared. Yes, of course: empty, meaningless tradition and formalism is nothing but husks in our teeth. But often there originally were sustaining, invigorating eternal truths that were the basis of the traditions and habits that once had such significance.

So we’ve to come full circle to the beginning again. For me, I have a daily routine that has been good for me. I have daily devotions. I have time in God’s Word. I even review around 40 Bible verses every day of the large number of ones I memorized in my first few years as a Christian. I sing songs of dedication and love for the Lord. I go out in nature and take time with the Lord, probably not very differently from what Isaac did nearly 4000 years ago when he “went out into the field to meditate at eventide.” (Genesis 24:63)

And I hope you have some healthy, sustaining daily habits. We have to not just take care of ourselves physically but we have to cultivate healthy, Godly daily habits as the Lord has been leading His people to do since the beginning. God help us all to not through the baby out with the bathwater. May He help us to maintain Godly “traditions” and routines which keep us on the straight and narrow path of life and His will.

The problem with addictions

Folks, I was an addict. Yes, it was decades ago but it very nearly killed me and sent me to the indescribable torments of hell. I’ve written about this in places but I’m coming up to the anniversary of my very nearly dying and being carried by Satan out of my body and into the nether worlds. It was probably the most intense, searing, indescribable event I’ve ever experienced and I remember it extremely well.

But it came through addiction. In this case, it wasn’t a physical addiction like alcohol or some opiad-based addictions can be. It was psychedelics, and it was a psychological addiction rather than a physical one. This was long ago and I’ve had a wonderful, sustained deliverance from those things. As Jesus said to one man, “Go and sin no more lest a worse thing come unto thee.” (John 5:14)

In my case “Godly sorrow worked repentance to salvation, not to be repented of…” (II Corinthians 7:10). I learned my lesson and never wanted to have that session repeated again. And probably it never would have been because I’m sure that was my very last chance as I hung by less than a thread over the indescribable consuming fires of eternal hell.

I get a kick out of the folks who say there is no hell. I usually don’t reply to those things but I just say in my heart, “Buddy, I’ve been there, I’ve experience it in eternity and I can tell you, the words we use don’t really do the subject justice of just how bad it is.

But for me, it came through addiction. And sadly, as my adult life has gone on, I’ve lost several good friends through addiction, dear and close friends, even missionaries who “bore the burden and the heat of the day” (Matthew 20:12) and yet their lives were ended, most of the time through alcohol. I can think of three good friends, I mean good friends, close friends who at one time had been missionaries on the foreign mission field with me who ended up dying through the curse of alcohol.

How can that happen? How can addiction so claim and destroy a life like that? A Godly life, a saved life, a Christian life? Well, addiction can somehow bring a false peace, a false contentment and a calmness that is nice at times but it just isn’t really the real thing. Maybe you’ve had a glass of wine sometimes. Then maybe on rare occasion you’ve had two? You know that feeling? Feeling kind of relaxed? Not thinking about those things you were before? Not worried anymore? In a good place? Want to keep getting back to that place?

This is really personal for me. Those dear friends spring to mind, and I know there are more, who ended up taking their own lives or dying of alcohol poisoning. In my personal case, this was long ago and I wasn’t saved. But somehow the drugs took me into levels of consciousness that I’d never known. But Jesus said, “He that enters not by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.” (John 10:1)

That’s what I was doing, “climbing up some other way.” Trying to gain insight and spirituality through drugs, rather than by “The door”. Jesus said of Himself, “I am the door, by Me if any man enter in he shall be saved, and shall go in and out and find pasture.” (John 10:9) But drugs and alcohol are “climbing up some other way.”

I don’t care how much insight and clarity you think the drugs give you, how much they boost your confidence, or how much the alcohol chills you out and makes you mellow and easier to be around, there’s a real and strongly present danger in it. When it comes to drugs, psychedelics, or opium-based drugs, friends… it’s just too much and I’m thankful I haven’t touched that stuff since I was 20 years old.

Just don’t do it. Don’t try it. Don’t experiment with it. No, you are not strong enough. No, just once will indeed hurt. Take it from me. It’s only by the absolute miracle working power of God that I was delivered from those things, utterly miraculous. But for every one like me, there are hundreds and even thousands whose lives were forever ruined by drug addiction.

Alcohol? It’s not exactly the same thing. I drink wine from time to time. Psalm 104 says “And wine that makes glad the heart of man…” As most know, even Jesus made wine (John 2). But like I said, I can immediately name close, dear friends whose lives were destroyed by alcohol and they ultimately died from it.

We just have to be aware of how bad things can get, how strong sin is in the lives of even those who have committed their lives to Him. It is falsehood. It’s a false peace, a false revelation, as the fruits of sin always are. The Bible talks about “the pleasures of sin for a season.” (Hebrews 11:25) Addiction is one of the worst killers there is and it’s as rampant as ever.

Turn to the Lord with all your heart; pour out your heart before the Lord in vehement prayer for strength to fight addiction. Also, Solomon said, “He that walks with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” (Proverbs 13:20) After I nearly died on drugs but was saved at the last moment, I knew immediately and instinctively that I needed to get away from my old friends that I’d done drugs with, even though I grew up with them, and to find some new and Godly friends. In my case the Lord did just that as I went out to search for Him. I was led to some truly Godly young Christians and my life began anew from there.

I hope this is some help to someone. Addiction, drug addiction or old fashion alcoholism, is as rampant and consuming as it has ever been. And as trite as it may sound, the only solution I found was to come to the Lord and to the power and name of Jesus.

Spanish Daniel 7 video; “El Libro de Daniel Capitulo 7”

I’ve been able to complete the Spanish version of the video on the book of Daniel chapter 7. Daniel 7 is the Old Testament chapter that most thoroughly prepares us for the book of Revelation. The imagery, information, characters and timing found in Daniel 7 are all seen more fully in Revelation. I believe much of Daniel 7 has been fulfilled. But the parts Daniel himself was most desirous to know about are for the endtime soon to come.


Is it a sin?

Lord forgive me, sometimes it gets to me a bit when I hear some folks constantly asking, “Is it a sin to…?” Is it a sin to wear make-up? Is it a sin to watch TV? Is it a sin to eat pig? It honestly seems like this is almost the overriding thought on the minds of some people.

Well, thank God. I guess I could also look at it like at least they’re trying to please God by not sinning or doing something wrong. There are far, far more people in the world who are like what it says in Proverbs, “Fools make a mock at sin.” (Proverbs 14:9) For the unbelieving, the whole concept of sin is utterly foreign and abhorrent to them and they reject the whole idea. That’s what I wrote about in the article “What is sin?”.

But there are some Christians who evidently have come to a place where their overriding thought process is to be so fearful of sin and its power in their lives that questions of what is a sin in every affair of everyday life makes this their continual conversation. I find that sad and a misplaced understanding of things.

Is it good to have a tender conscience? Of course, absolutely. Is it good to want to “not be ignorant of the enemy’s devices”? (II Cor. 2:11) Certainly so. We definitely should be on guard in our conscience against sin and not have a light attitude towards the evils in the world or even the sins that rather easily spring up in our own hearts and minds.

But it seems to me that some Christians have not gotten very far in a Scriptural understanding of what sin is. A few verses come to mind among the many on the subject and I’ll share them here. For one, Jesus said, “Not that which enters into the mouth defiles a man, but that which comes out of the mouth defiles a man.” (Mat. 15:11) Or it’s like the verse, “The kingdom of God is not in meat and drink but righteous, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.” (Rom. 14:17) Fundamentally it has rather little to do with what you eat or don’t eat and what you wear or don’t wear.

One of the greatest chapters on the whole subject, which I often think about when I see again the outflow of questions about “Is it a sin…?” is Romans 14. Paul says, “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” (Rom. 14:23) Think about that!

Is it a sin for a woman to wear make-up? Is it a sin to drink beer? The principles in Romans 14 can and should be applied to so many things. Some things can be done in one situation and among some people which would not be appropriate or fitting in another and could be a sin. Paul said, “It is good neither to eat meat or anything whereby your brother is stumbled or is offended.” (Romans 14:21)

Of course, sadly, some people are offended pretty easily and they should be taught to grow up some and to have a more full understanding of the ways of the Lord. Paul said some eat meat and others being weak, only eat herbs. I can’t quote the whole chapter here but I suggest, if you feel you may have questions along this line, to do a real study on Romans 14.

The clinching verses at the end of the chapter say, “Have you faith? Have it to yourself before God. Happy is the man who condemns not himself in that thing which he allows. And he that eats [or wears make-up or anything else like this] is dammed if he eats if he eats not of faith. For whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” (Rom. 14:22 & 23)

But this whole thing can get to be a downward spiral of fear, confusion and particularly condemnation and it ends up being disastrous to your spiritual life. I went through some things like this in my early Christian life and they were really some battles. I wrote about these things in “Conviction or Condemnation”, you might find some things in that article that are pertinent to this subject.

The Bible says we shouldWalk in newness of life(Rom. 6:4), not walk in a foreboding gloom and cloud of fear that at any second we’re going to be defeated by sin.

That’s not the perspective taught in the New Testament. Again, let me just say, it definitely is good to be aware of “the enemy who goes about as a roaring lion, seeking who he may devour.” (I Pet. 5:8) And it’s certainly true that we need to remain aware of “the sins which do so easily beset us.” (Heb. 12:1)

But even more we need to be mindful of “the blood of Christ which cleanses us from all sin.” (I John 1:7) Instead of constantly voicing our fears and worries about our sins, it would be more fruitful and Godly to praise God for the victories He’s given us over all sin and then to get busy following the prompting of the Holy Spirit as He leads us into all truth and shows us those around us who need our love and friendship.

Maybe some folks need to memorize the verse about “He that is begotten of God keeps himself and that wicked one touches him not.” (I John 5:18) God said in one place, “I also kept you from sinning against me.” (Genesis 20:6) Overemphasizing and accentuating sin is just not what the Lord really wants from us. It’s not “looking unto Jesus”; it’s looking unto our own “old man”, our sinful self instead of the Lord.

So I have gotten that off my heart. I hope it is a help to someone and will help you to have more peace, joy, freedom and power to get going with God instead of dwelling in the valley of your own sinful self. We’re all sinful; we all have battles, that’s why we have so many victories, because we have to keep bringing it all to the Lord.Cast your burden upon the Lord and he will sustain you, He will never suffer the righteous to be moved.” (Psalm 55:22) “Looking unto Jesus…!” (Hebrews 12:2) Not your sinful self.


It was said of Jesus, “He set His face steadfastly to go to Jerusalem.” (Luke 9:51) I got that verse for myself this morning in prayer. “Steadfast.” That’s not a word you read in the New York Times or hear on Fox News very much. But that’s how the gospel of Luke described Jesus of Nazareth as He moved towards Jerusalem, after 3 years of ministry, where He knew He would experience the death of the cross.

I’ve been feeling a little tired today. I’m very thankful for my life but I’ve come to a place where I feel compelled every day to really make the very most of the time and energy I have in order to plow it into the work of the Lord that He’s made possible for me. The Lord said “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Mat. 11:30) But He also said to His disciples, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Luk. 9:23) And I’m exceedingly thankful that the Lord has led me into the present ministry I have of producing videos in foreign languages about the prophecies of Daniel. And in this ministry, it often becomes like what Paul said of himself, “I die daily.” (I Cor. 15:31)

There’s joy in our labors but they can be real labors. So many of us have spent years working in some slavish, mundane 9-to-5 job, under sometimes rather cruel taskmasters, mostly serving Mammon in order that we can feed our families and pay bills. So, how much more should we put our whole heart into our service for God in the ministry He opens for us?

And it can come down to what can be called steadfastness. It may not be part of our character but it can be a grace given us by the Lord Himself to just not cave in to fatigue, weariness, distraction and all the things that can deter us from the heavenly vision set before us.

I guess if you don’t have the heavenly vision, it’s so much more difficult to have steadfastness. Solomon said, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Prov. 29:18) and of course for so many Christians, their personal vision of God’s will in their lives is not really full or complete.

Jesus doubtless had the heavenly vision, even if in His case that vision was His crucifixion at Jerusalem for the sins of mankind. Paul said of himself, “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision” (Acts 26:19) and certainly Christ was the greatest example of that. He was steadfast. He “poured out His soul unto death.” (Isaiah 53:12)

But for most of us, it’s not the death of the cross or that of a martyr that’s before us. It’s the many little deaths each day , of taking up our cross each day and living out our lives in obedience to the will of God. Most churches will teach you the part about being comforted by God but fewer emphasize the Scriptures teaching us to comfort others.

Many know the most famous verse in the Bible, John 3:16. But fewer have embraced I John 3:16 which says, “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” Jesus set His face steadfastly to lay down His life for us. We should take it as our calling and commission, each and every one of us, to lay down our lives for our brethren and for the lost and bedarkened souls of this world.

As has often happened, I came back from my prayer walk this morning to write up this lesson the Lord spoke to me about and laid on my heart. It’s a little like another verse that says, “As the outward man perishes, the inward man is renewed day by day.” (II Cor. 4:6) And “As your day, so shall your strength be.” (Deut. 33:25) Or as some say in a more secular sense nowadays, “it’s better to wear out that to rust out.”

But I do think, if more Christians went further in the heavenly vision of truly laying down their lives for the brethren, for feeding the sheep, for witnessing and wining souls or whatever step the Lord is leading in their lives that they have not followed, then the Lord would greatly strengthen them for the task.

God can and will give us all the steadfastness that can come when we’ve embraced the vision and have committed ourselves to a life of greater sacrifice in order to bring His life and love to this present world. May the Lord truly help every one of us who believe in Him to not only believe but also to obey Him in steadfastly going the extra mile for the sake of others and in service to our Lord and God.

Italian Daniel chapter 7 video: “Il libro di Daniele capitolo 7”

I’ve been able to complete the Italian version of the video on the book of Daniel chapter 7. Daniel chapter 7 is the chapter in the Old Testament that most thoroughly prepares us for the book of Revelation. The imagery, information, characters and timing found in Daniel 7 are all seen more fully in Revelation. In this 28 minute video, I’ve tried to teach Daniel 7 from what’s known as a “Pre-millennial”, “Post-tribulation” view. I believe much of Daniel 7 has been fulfilled. But the parts Daniel himself was most desirous to know about are for the end time soon to come. Here is the link to the English version of the Daniel chapter 7 video on YouTube.

Arabic video of Daniel chapter 2

I’ve been able to complete in Arabic the second video in the Prophecies of Daniel series, Daniel Chapter 2. This chapter is considered by scholars of almost all faiths to be the briefest and most concise overall picture of the history and future of the world in the entire Bible. Daniel chapter 2 is like a foundation on which we can understand the many fulfilled prophecies of the past, as well as see what still is to be fulfilled in times soon to come.

It has often seemed to me that this chapter was intentionally designed by God as an easy first step along the path of prophecy. It’s like a preparation for the more advanced prophecy chapters, such as Daniel chapter 7. That chapter is where we will begin to really climb up into the mountains of prophecy.

The English version of this video, “The Book of Daniel Chapter 2”, can be seen here.

“The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen”

What a dream I just had! I was racing up the stairs of a large apartment complex, right behind a friend of mine who was basically running for his life. Because also running up the stairs was another man who was out to probably kill the first man. Both men were professional athletes, on the brink of being very rich and successful men.

But in the dream, the younger man, maybe he was 19, had been messing around with the girlfriend of the man chasing him up the stairs. This enraged man, he was like maybe 28, was utterly beside himself with anger, chased the young man to the top landing of the apartment building and found the young man hiding.

In my dream, there was an extremely tense confrontation between these two men and it seemed like at any moment it would explode into what would probably be a fight to the death. The older man’s eyes were really bulging out with an almost insane look of fury and I tried to reason with him that he shouldn’t throw his life and career away by killing the young man for what he’d done.

But then suddenly one of their friends, a woman who had also raced up the stairs, was on her knees in front of the enraged older man, begging him with all her heart to let it go and to not let this incident be the end of both of the men in some fight to the death.

It was a very intense scene for me and, as dreams can sometimes be, it seemed utterly real at the time. The young woman was between the two men, begging with all her heart for the man to not avenge himself and attack the young man he’d chased up the stairs.

Then, almost strangely, the older athlete relented and backed off a little. I was really, really surprised that the woman’s pleas had been listened to by the angry man because he had just been hell-bent for violence in his fury. He backed off some feet away, still full of emotion.

And at that point I went up to him, also full of emotion because I knew these two guys and really didn’t want to see them throw their life away. And I said to the aggrieved man, “That’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen” and I gave him a hug.

And it was; it was extremely beautiful because I was so thankful that the man had listen to the woman on her knees who’d begged him with all her heart to not kill the younger athlete. He made the right decision; he listened to her wisdom and reasoning. He was right at the brink of throwing his life away in wreaking vengeance on the man who’d messed around with his girlfriend.

It was a very intense dream and a very beautiful outcome. Though he still was extremely upset, he’d made the right decision. Even if it wasn’t a matter of forgiving the young man, who evidently was apologetic, the older man had listened to the restraint and reasoning of the girl rather than his passion. He had avoided killing the young man when they both were right at the cusp of professional athletic stardom.

The Bible says that, “Jealousy is the rage of a man and he will not be appeased though you give many gifts.” (Proverbs 6:34 & 35) How many lives are ruined in some moment of rage and passion; promising, beautiful, even blessed young lives are ruined forever  over what seems to be an unforgivable wrong.

How difficult and rare it is to listen to the voice of reason in times like that or even to have the voice of reason there to still speak to you at that moment. But this young woman friend of theirs was on her knees, matching her passion with his, begging him not to throw his life away in killing his friend over his foolishness.

It was beautiful, it was rare, it was someone making the right decision when it really didn’t seem like he would. Solomon said “The discretion of a man defers his anger and it is his glory to pass over a transgression.” (Proverbs 19:11) I was so happy that one moment of foolishness on the part of the young athlete didn’t lead to another greater moment of greater foolishness which would have ended up destroying the lives of both of them, either by death or by prosecution.

Well, it was only a dream but it woke me up, long before I normal get up and I knew I should write it all down. Some dreams are just strong, meaningful and have a point to them. I’m not going through anything right now like those two young men but I’m sure it’s happening to many people. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen, which I told to the man who’d deferred his anger. He didn’t yield to his rage, as “reasonable” as it had seemed at the time. He in a sense saved his own life by not taking the other man’s life.  “Every man shall kiss his lips that gives a right answer” (Proverbs 24:26)  and I just had to tell my friend how beautiful it was that he’d not thrown his life away in a moment of rage. And I gave him a hug.

Maybe there’s someone, somewhere who’s going through the same thing because it happens all the time, all over the world. Maybe you’re like the woman on her knees, begging your friend to not yield to rage. Maybe you’re like the young man who was running up the stairs, knowing you’d done a foolish thing by messing with another man’s girlfriend. Or maybe you’re like the older athlete, full of seemingly righteous fury and about to kill someone. But wisdom won the day. One sin didn’t lead on to a greater one. It was beautiful, surprising and unexpected.

Please don’t avenge yourself, no matter what has happened and how you’ve been wronged. Listen to reason; listen to the restrainer which is often the very voice of God, begging you to turn from your foolishness. “Brethren, avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath for it is written, vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will replay.” (Romans 12:19)

Judge not?

Many people have heard what Jesus said in one place, “Judge not, that you be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1) And then they’ll say, “Who are we to judge?” Personally I believe that these thoughts have been overused and misapplied to where believers have become emasculated and led to think that passive acquiescence to evil is what they’re called to do.

So let me share some less well known verses which may bring some balance on this subject. In I Corinthians chapter 5, Paul had just effectively excommunicated someone from the Corinthian body of believers for what was a vile wrongdoing. But then, in the next chapter, he went on to reprove and admonish the Corinthian Christians, saying this, “Do you not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more things that pertain to this life?” (I Corinthians 6:2 & 3)

It seems clear from this passage that the well known admonition of “Judge not” that Jesus taught was not to be taken so broadly and universally that it was to hinder believers from “judging righteous judgment”, another of the Lord’s teachings.

In fact, in that verse in John 7:24, He tells us that we actually should judge. The verse in full says, “Judge not according to appearance but judge righteous judgment.” As is so often the case, one passage in Scripture has been seized upon and used out of context to sadly make an imbalanced view of some admonition from God so that it ends up conveying the almost totally wrong idea.

“But Mark, Jesus did say “Judge not”. Are you contradicting Christ, Mark?”

No, of course I am not. Jesus went on to say in that passage, “with what judgment you judge you shall be judged”. And James the Lord’s brother also spoke on this saying, “He shall have judgment without mercy that has showed no mercy. And mercy rejoices against judgment.” (James 2:13) Harsh, hypocritical, myopic judgment was what Jesus was speaking against in Matthew 7.

Jesus was not teaching that we should just all utterly wimp out to where we end up being spineless neutrals, “who-am-I-to-judge”, string-for-a-backbone milquetoasts. But millions of Christians are convinced that this is the proper understanding of Jesus’ words and that “pardon-me-for-living” convictions are some kind of testimony of the love of God.

What a device of the devil! How Satan has disarmed and imprisoned so many children of the Most High to where they are rendered almost utterly useless in the battle that rages about us for the souls of men, for the morals of our nations, for the very lives and hearts of our children. I believe with all within me that the body of Christ around the world should be awake, galvanized and properly trained to be, not spectators but active participants at the forefront of the battle for right or wrong, light or darkness and God or Satan that is raging and intensifying every day.

But if your mantra is, “Who am I to judge?”, you’re already almost eliminated from being the player for God that He so desperately needs you to be.

“But Mark, who am I? I don’t have a seminary degree, Mark! I don’t know what to say, Mark! I tried it one time and someone said something that I didn’t know the answer to!  Mark, that’s what our pastor is for! He’s the one that is supposed to lead souls to Christ, not me! Mark, if people want to know about God, let them go to church!”

That’s why I sadly believe that the Lord will ultimately allow great suffering and tribulation to come upon the nominally Christian nations of the world. They may be saved but the vast majority of Christians are already defeated and disarmed. I believe many millions have saving faith; but for the most part, they’ve gone only a little further.

They may be believers, but very few can be called disciples. Of course there are exceptions to this and there are many who are more broken now, more desperate now that the powers of darkness have taken the high ground so clearly throughout much of the once Christian nations. Some are waking up. Some are fighting back and standing up for the Lord. But it’s a very small minority.

Elijah thought that he was the only one left of the Lord’s true people and he told the Lord that. But the Lord said at that time to him that “there are 7000 in Israel who’ve not bowed the knee to Baal” (I Kings 19:18). And then the Lord in effect told Elijah to get busy. God had someone of the next generation that He wanted Elijah to train, the upcoming prophet Elisha, who actually went on to do twice as many miracles as Elijah.

We just have to stand on the Rock, hold on to our crowns and continue to do all that we can, every single day for the Lord to not just be weak, passive “believers” but active, alive discipleship Christians, truly serving the Lord daily. That’s one thing we can do, we can do what we can to be faithful in our generation. God has to do the miracle; He has to bring the awakening. Or the judgment.

And they continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine and in fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers. And daily in the temple and in every house they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” (Acts 2:42 & 5:42)

Hindi Daniel chapter 2 video: दानिएल की किताब अध्याय २

I’ve been able to complete in Hindi the second video in the Prophecies of Daniel series, Daniel Chapter 2. This chapter is considered by scholars of almost all faiths to be the briefest and most concise overall picture of the history and future of the world in the entire Bible. Daniel chapter 2 is like a foundation on which we can understand the many fulfilled prophecies of the past, as well as see what still is to be fulfilled in times soon to come.

It has often seemed to me that this chapter was intentionally designed by God as an easy first step along the path of prophecy. It’s like a preparation for the more advanced prophecy chapters, such as Daniel chapter 7. That chapter is where we will begin to really climb up into the mountains of prophecy. I hope to finish three other Hindi videos in the prophecies of Daniel series in 2019.

The English version of “The Book of Daniel Chapter 2”, can be seen here.