
I’ve had quite an adventure with Facebook recently. And there’s been a surprisingly happy ending. It started nearly 3 months ago when, out of the blue, Facebook notified me that they’d “paused” my ability to use Facebook advertising. I still had my account and could communicate with everybody. But my ability to post weekly ads on Facebook, to “boost” the videos and articles I’ve done, was stopped.

As some of you know, I’ve done a series of videos on the prophecies of Daniel in English and afterwards 3 of them have been done in 14 other languages. This is all part of a Christian ministry the Lord as led me into, to “feed His sheep”, as He told us to do. But primarily the method I’ve used to propagate these videos and blog articles to many countries has been Facebook.

At first it didn’t bother me as I’ve had things happen before with Facebook in the last 7 years I’ve been boosting videos with them. At those times, I complied with what they asked and things were resolved in a few days. This time it looked to be the same. They said there appeared to be some anomaly with my payment method and they were pausing my account for my protection. They told me a few things to do, which I did, and I waited for it all to work out. Days passed and I wrote again. They wrote back, basically asking me to be patient. Days turned into weeks.

And perhaps I should explain why this began to get personal to me. Everyone talks about identity nowadays. So many now say, “I identify as a …”. OK, I identify as a Christian missionary. That fundamentally is who and what I am. And I’ve been thrilled over recent years to see how the Lord has made it so that I’ve been able to make these videos and articles and then to be able to publish them to a worldwide audience. There’s been nothing commercial in this; I’ve never monetized the material. But it’s been deeply rewarding to know that there have been a lot of people who’ve viewed the videos and shared them with others.

For this cause, it sort of began to get to me that this means and method of making the videos available worldwide had suddenly stopped. It was soon into the second month of not hearing back from Facebook. And, yes, thoughts did begin to arise in my mind. Had Facebook cut me off? Was my material too radical, had my local activities somehow raised red flags?

At length I began to explore some companies that are specialists at resolving things like this. Basically it comes down to finding some way to communicate with a business so big that they do virtually everything through algorithms and it’s almost infinitely difficult to contact a live person. I talked to one specialist and he mentioned that I’d perhaps been “shadow banned”, a new word to me. It seems it’s a little like what I wrote about in “Ghosted”. Sometimes you just get cut off or cut out by a person, or a company, and you never really get a straight reason why.

But when I looked again at the message Facebook had sent me, it didn’t come across like that. They said it was some payment issue, some kind of glitch that could be easily resolved if perhaps some human being just looked at it all briefly. And just to mention it, during this time Facebook has been going through a major internal restructuring and has laid off thousands of staff. This may have been a factor in what happened to me.

I was into my second month of not hearing from Facebook. Meanwhile I was praying desperately and asking others to do the same. And the Lord really answered and came through, here’s what happened. Over twenty years ago I was on one of the many mission fields I’ve been on and part of what I did there was to teach Bible classes and do home school teaching to the children of fellow missionaries there.

One of my students was a young lady, 12 years old at the time. I’ve kept in contact with her mom over the years and a month or so ago she mentioned that actually her daughter now lives in the same city as me and that she’d like to meet up with me, if that could work out.

So we met up and it was great to see her again, now all grown up. We talked for hours and she mentioned in passing that she’d worked for one of the largest technology companies in the world. So I shared with her what had happened with me and Facebook, mentioning to her that it seemed like I’d perhaps been “shadow banned”.

It was something she knew something about. And then she told me she had a friend who works at a company and that perhaps she could talk to him about my problem. Bingo!! Well, it wasn’t bingo right away but it was a glimmer of hope that I’d not had till then. In a few days she contacted me to say that sometimes these things really almost never got resolved. But that there were ways for ones on the inside to sort of “push people up the queue”.

Long story short, within a week or so I began to get feedback from Facebook that I’d not received up till then. And within about 10 days, everything was resolved! Now that may not sound like much of a miracle to you but for me, it was a pretty big deal. I’m now back to doing my weekly Facebook ads to countries and language groups around the world and it’s just a huge relief to be restored to the place I was 3 months ago, to be able to continue to minister in the way the Lord has provided for years now.

I really did get hit with a lot of conspiracy theory thoughts while this was going on. And I’m not discounting that nefarious stuff goes on all the time. But in this case it’s just been so encouraging to see the Lord come through with one of His “tricks” , putting me in contact with someone who knew someone who was able to do what needed to be done, when all other avenues had failed.

I hope that’s an encouragement to you. Even in this increasingly clouded and techno-dominated world of now, the good God is still able to intervene and fix things when it’s according to His will. Glory to God!

Has Putin shot his bolt?

There was almost no fear greater than the fear of Russia. But now Putin’s had to (as they say in poker), “Put what you’ve got on the table.” And it hasn’t looked good so far. No one expected Ukraine to be able to withstand Russia. But they have.

One year into the war, it’s rather a stalemate. But that’s a defeat in many ways for Russia. They were our greatest fear and have been for over 70 years. And now? You can feel they have perhaps two choices. Go fully nuclear, the unspeakable alternative that’s remained our global fear since World War II. Or they can continue to send 10’s of 1000’s of their young men (in a nation desperate to repopulate itself) into the meat grinder of eastern Ukraine, to face resolute Ukrainians and the best weapons the Western powers can provide. Simply put, it’s not looking great for the mystique of Russian superiority and ultimate world dominance, as so many of us have bought into for so long.

And what if you study Bible prophecy? What about “the king of the north”? What about Ezekiel 38? My friends, we’ve been counting on these guys, haven’t we? No need to squirm, I could do the same. I think there are a lot of folks around who’ve been counting on Russia to provide a good deal of the power and “evil” to be fulfilled that’s been predicted in the end time build up, spoken of in the books of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation.

But presently, Russia is losing huge numbers of troops and equipment on the plains of eastern Ukraine. And those resources in blood and treasure are not something that springs freely up out of the ground. They are depleted, they’re being exhausted and so very many look at it and feel it’s a fool’s errand that Mr. Putin has sent Russian power and prestige into. “All for nothing”, so many feel of the present war in Ukraine. My prophecy aficionado friends, how will Russia invade the Middle East if they can’t even take the eastern most part of Ukraine?

I hope you’re not expecting me to pull the cookies out of the fire and the rabbit out of the hat on this. I’m as stumped as you are. Perhaps some scenario develops where Putin is overthrown and a new leader arises who’ll lead Russia into a wiser and more prosperous future, more than at any time in its past. But as always, “what if’s” abound at every turn.

How does this all impact the picture of the unfolding end time, which in other areas continues to proceed most forebodingly? I really don’t know. And in my searching the internet for anyone else out there who sees all these data points leading us toward… what!…, I haven’t heard of anyone coming up with a clear, cognizant foreseeing of where all this is leading.

New and stranger goings on proceed briskly in the secular nation of Israel in the Middle East. Will the new, ultra religious government there clear the way for the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem? And artificial intelligence meanwhile is gathering pace by leaps and bounds; some now predict that “the singularity” is only 7 years away. Tragic natural disasters fall on top of immense refugee crises, war against Iran is a daily storm on the horizon, Western nations muddle through their internal befuddlements and suicide rates for young people increase year by year.

And the latest fear is that China will come to the aid of Russia with an infinity of weaponry, matching what the West is giving Ukraine. My, how that would be an unfathomably ominous turn of events in this saga. Would that not bring us face to face with the full scenario of World War III that was so before us at the height of the Cold War?

How does it all turn out? Will Russia ultimately sue for peace (as Germany did in World War I) and be defeated on the battle field after human losses unheard of before that time? Will China come to the side and aid of Russia, creating a new axis of power internationally? Will there be a cease fire where both sides get just enough of what they want so that both can claim a type of victory? Your guess may be as good as mine.

Still, I remain convinced that the end of the matter of these wars and rumors of wars is that through the haze and heartbreak will be the unfolding of Bible prophecy that will ultimately lead to the so welcomed second coming of our dear Jesus Christ to bring peace to the earth, after “a time of trouble such as was not since the beginning of the world”, to establish His righteous government, ordained and foretold by God and the prophets.

Of course that sounds ludicrous to the unbelievers who are in the majority now. But as the final events unfold, I believe so many will see ultimately that the only sane explanation of this present world is one that takes us to what turns out to be truly our only hope: God Himself and His intervention to save us all from ourselves and each other, where the people of the earth accept and welcome the intervention of God to pull our existence out of the destruction we have brought it to.

Going to hell

The pinnacle experience of my life was going to hell when I was 20. I’ve shied away from talking about it over the years because it was so unspeakable. But perhaps I shouldn’t. Near-death experiences are rare and ones where the experience is a horrific one seem to be even more rare. But that’s what happened to me.

Many scoff at the idea of hell. I smile when I see things like that. Through that experience in 1969, I was delivered from severely entrenched atheism. Back then, I was an “evangelist” of atheism; I found joy in defeating weak, vacillating Christians in debate. But entering the spiritual world, utterly naked and without any protective covering that salvation in Christ gives, I experienced the full onslaught of the afterlife outside salvation.

I don’t know if I’ve ever really described that experience. Perhaps I should. You may not be able to relate to it, it may seem like gibberish to you. But life after death for someone without salvation in Jesus is going to be a very, extremely, strange world, as it was for me.

Without salvation in the afterlife, I was like a person without diving equipment, 150 meters (yards) below sea level. There was no oxygen. It was a strange, foreign world. There were beings there that were in their realm while I was not in mine. I was in extreme panic and in great confusion. But worst of all, there was no way back. It was too late. The level of fear, confusion, despondency and utter hopelessness defies explanation in words we have in our present realm.

It’s an incredible thing to enter the spiritual world. One thing I saw so clearly is that it’s really “all by faith’. We say that glibly here in our realm. But in the spiritual world, faith is utterly the coinage of the realm. And I endlessly gasped for even a whiff of faith. Everything is inside out, compared to this present world we live in. Materially things there are completely secondary, if they register at all. Elements of the soul and heart are the substance of that realm and your spiritual condition is the only thing that matters.

Jesus talked about the man who came to the wedding feast without a wedding garment. (Matthew 22:12) That’s how I was. I didn’t have the garment of salvation, the transformation that makes life in eternity possible. So I was utterly unprepared to experience the spiritual world.

Did I understand all that then at that time, as I somewhat do now? No; really, really I didn’t. I was in a prolonged terror, experiencing things that I totally didn’t understand and didn’t even have words to describe what was happening to me. I had virtually no understanding of what I was experiencing or the words to describe it , which I came to find after becoming a believing Christian and reading the explanation of life that the Bible gives.

Time, as we experience it here, ceased to exist there. I was in eternity. But also in utter confusion, utter hopelessness, utter lack of truth. I do believe that this is within the element and range of what the unsaved experience in the hereafter, in hell.

The apostle Paul talked about, “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord…” (II Corinthians 5:11). No, Paul was not in hell in Acts 9 but he was suddenly face to face with the Lord, who told Paul, “I am Jesus who you persecute.” Paul was utterly on the wrong side of the Lord and that was his introduction.

You don’t find many preachers talking about Paul talking about “knowing the terror of the Lord.” Talking about hell in these times is very passé. It’s just not done. It’s not cool.

Be that as it may, I feel I should speak up more about how that is what I experienced. For me, it was totally what I needed to stun, shock and sear me out of my unbelief. Nobody could talk to me. I was always the smartest guy in the room, at least in my own eyes. So the Lord let this happen, in His mercy, so that I could get a real glimpse of how very far away from the truth I was.

And truth was actually what I’d been looking for all along. So God gave me this experience, outside any contact with others, not a pastor, not my grandparents, not a church, but just me alone. And it worked.

I was so stunned, shocked and almost in unbelief that I was able to return to this realm where we all now live, after experiencing so horrific a place, that it was like some kind of Sci-Fi movie where someone comes back to this earth and world, after a prolonged absence. That might sound like I’m exaggerating, but I’m not.

If this is just outside your realm of understanding, I can give you the text to two songs that rather well articulate the atmosphere of Hell. The Eagles wrote in the last words of “Hotel California”, “You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave!” That’s how hell works: you can never leave.

Similarly, Bob Dylan sang in one of his songs, “There must be some kind of way outta here, said the joker to the thief, there’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief.” As the song says, you look for a way out but it eludes you. Meanwhile, confusion engulfs and consumes you. Snippets and dark glimpses of hell, brought into contemporary music.

I’ve been happily encouraged through the years when I’ve read of others who’ve had near-death experiences, that they too have had very similar feelings to mine. They don’t even want to talk about it. They don’t think anyone will believe them. They struggle strongly even to find the words to describe what happened to them. It’s a very personal thing that often their friends and family can’t believe and it makes them estranged from their loved ones, since it all seems so farfetched.

I’m glad I’ve been able to put this on paper, so to speak. Experiencing hell was what it took to lay a foundational event in my life that prepared me to receive the message of salvation from young “Jesus People” a few months later. And it was this experience, that the spiritual world is fundamentally the real world, that made the decision to follow Jesus and to take up my cross in service to Him to be the only “common sense” thing that I knew was the high will of God.

This was all when I was in my early 20’s, long ago. But looking back, I see again how pivotal that experience I had in the spiritual world was, even if it was in the dark side of it. I was there, thrust there by God, because of my hardness of heart and repeated resistance to the Holy Spirit which was trying to reach out to me.

I hope this is somehow a blessing to someone. The spiritual world is real. Unbelief and atheism are your worst enemies, at least they were mine. There is no depth that God in His mercy cannot reach to find us in our worst condition and to lead us back out of that blackness, even virtual insanity, back to the glorious light that is in Him.



What has the Lord already done?

So often Christians pray but the Lord’s already answered. Moses was almost overwhelmed by the calling he was given by God and he knew his own weaknesses. But God told him, “What is that in your hand?” (Exodus 4:2)

In Moses’ hand was his own old, personal staff. But when Moses cast it to the ground, it turned into a writhing serpent. The lesson is, so often the Lord has already given us what we need for our calling and battle. But then we don’t recognize it or even see it.

It’s just so fundamental: you’ve got to see God. In this case it doesn’t mean to see the Ancient of Days in His glory but you really do have to see what the Lord has done and is doing in your life. And I think almost all of us Christians are somewhat deaf, dumb and blind to a degree in the things of the Lord.

In one of the greatest crisis of my life, in the aftermath of my divorce, I was so much groping for understanding of it all and desperate to be free from the bitterness and hurt I felt. I knew I had some deep problems but I couldn’t find the way forward and really get any kind of handle on what the Lord was doing.

In abject desperation I looked again at the only really clear verse in the Bible that talks about bitterness, Hebrews 12:15. “Looking diligently lest any man fail the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.” I had reviewed that verse so many times and so many people had shared it with me that I was almost sick of it. But still I was floundering .

Finally I thought to try to go back and squeeze that verse again, like if you do a second or third squeeze of an orange. Was there some juice in that verse I was missing? I looked again at it slowly and deeply. “Looking diligently lest any man fail the grace of God…”

What does that mean? How in the world can you “look diligently..”? But the verse goes on to say that if you don’t “look diligently”, then that is when you “fail the grace of God” and a root of bitterness springs up. Therefore it must mean that the antidote and prevention of bitterness is to “look diligently”.

It came to me that it means that you have to see God in things. You have to look and believe that there is something there from Him for you, a lesson, a way of escape, some “grace of God”, as the verse says, that can be missed if we don’t look diligently.

So I realized more deeply than ever before that we have to “see God”. We have to see the Lord in things and what He is doing, in spite of what it really looks like that people are doing. Joseph in Egypt told his brothers,

You meant it for evil but God meant it for good.” (Genesis 50:20) An incredible verse and possibly one of the best examples in the Bible of someone not getting bitter because he truly “looked diligently”.  Joseph really saw the hand of God in his life, regardless of what his brothers had done to him.

We just have to do that. We have to see what is already in our hand, what has God already given us, or what has God allowed and His hand even ordained, even though it looks in the physical and temporal to be totally against us and even contrary to God’s will.

So one of the greatest things we can do or strive to try to do is to see the Lord in things. The story is told of a man in the flood, on his roof as the waters rose. Some locals came around with a boat to rescue him but the man refused, saying “No thanks, I’m trusting the Lord!” Two more times that happened and then the floods rose and the man drowned.

In heaven the man was questioning God. But God said in return, “What do you mean? I sent that boat around 3 times!” The man didn’t see what God was doing and very often we don’t either. We don’t recognize the hand of God in our lives, or His input, His answers, His provision, His outstretched hand with the answer to our needs.

God help us all to have seeing eyes and hearing ears. He’s so often already answered prayer, already answered or is answering. May He help us all to be spiritually awake enough to recognize it and to go forward with his answers and provision.

The horse latitudes

In the time of sailing ships, they’d often get stuck in “the horse latitudes”, a place in the Atlantic where the winds were often calm and the ships would stay for weeks, without wind in their sails. They’d end up having to get towed by row boats of their crew to zones where the winds would be there again.

Sometimes we ourselves are in “the horse latitudes” in our lives. It reminds me of what the ancient Jews said, “We see not our signs”. (Psalm 74:9) God seems to be silent. Our ability to “discern the times”, as Jesus called it, evidently has diminished. (Matthew 16:3)

Before, we were swept along by the mighty winds of God’s will and were able to see the hand of God closely guiding our lives. We felt at the apex of history, a part of it and willing to do what we could to further the cause of Christ and to see truth and justice triumph over darkness and deceit.

But then we find ourselves in the horse latitudes. The clarity, so strong in other times, appears to abandon us. Everything feels to be relative. You are stilled, like a ship in a calm on an open ocean.

Perhaps earlier, a calm is all you prayed for, as a respite from the storms that were assailing you. But now you pray for clarification, for the hand of God to even send lighting on a dark night to illuminate, for wind, for direction in your surroundings, to help you know where you stand, what’s around you and where you are going.

I’ve certainly been in the horse latitudes for periods in my life. It’s like the verse about how “the Lord will restore the years that the locusts have eaten”. (Joel 2:25) But I suppose there must be these pauses, these stops, even as there are in a piece of music, to complete the symphony of our lives.

Maybe the Lord does it to see if we’re satisfied, if we’ve gone as far as we want to go. Are we ready to quit? Had enough? Ready to throw in the towel and to sink into somnolent surrender?

Or are you looking for a breath of wind? Are you looking for the next leading from God? Are you looking for the wind to blow, the lights to come on, for the vision in the night, like Paul experienced when he saw a man of Macedonia in a dream saying “Come over and help us”. (Acts 16:9)

Paul and his companions could have just thrown in the towel. “Well, the Lord has stopped leading us. We tried to do this and that but He’s not leading any more so I guess it’s all over. Time to go back to Jerusalem and get my job back with the Pharisees.” No, Paul didn’t say that, even though he might have felt at that time that he was in the horse latitudes, unsure which way the wind blew and feeling in a bit of darkness at the moment.

But then it came; the wind began to blow. A direction and the presence of God began to be made manifest, as He’s done so many times to His servants. Elijah, alone in his cave, thought that he was the only one that was left of the faithful in Isreal. But the Lord told Elijah that “7000 have not bowed the knee to Baal”. (I Kings 19:18) “And besides that, Elijah, I’ve got a new direction for you. You need to get up and get moving”, just like Paul needed to do some 800 years later.

The Lord sends the wind after the stultifying calm in the horse latitudes. It’s not the end; just a bend in the road, a lull before the magnificence of the next stanza in the sympathy of our lives.

Are you becalmed in “the horse latitudes”? It almost reminds me of the verse in John 5 about the man by the pool of Bethesda, “waiting for the moving of the waters” (John 5:3). You have to admit, the things of the Lord do sometimes work that way. I think about Cornelius in Acts 10, a man evidently faithful all his life.

And then one day the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Your prayers are come up as a memorial before God. Now send men to Joppa.” (Acts 10: 4 & 5) You can read Acts 10 to find out how that turned out and how the history of Christianity and human history itself was changed by the Lord honoring the faithfulness of that man.

But if you’re in a calm and stillness, when you’re hoping for the leading and intervention of God in your life, do keep holding on. Keep praying, keep believing. God’s delays are not denials. Wait till the lights come on. Wait for the winds to pick up and for the Lord to set your sails again with the wind of His will.

If you’re in the horse latitudes, just hold on. It can be scary, it can be almost suffocating. But the Light of the Lord and the wind of the Lord never fail to show up in our lives, even if there are pauses from time to time. “Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thy heart.”  (Psalm 27: 14)

Hindi Daniel 7 video: “दानिएल की किताब अध्याय ७”

I’ve been able to complete the Hindi version of the video on the book of Daniel chapter 7. Daniel 7 is the Old Testament chapter that most thoroughly prepares us for the book of Revelation. The imagery, information, characters and timing found in Daniel 7 are all seen more fully in Revelation. I believe much of Daniel 7 has been fulfilled. But the parts Daniel himself was most desirous to know about are for the endtime soon to come. Here is the link to the video:

Floors and ceilings

Most of us want to hit the ceiling, but we aren’t always as thankful for the floor. We mostly want to ascend the heights of the Lord, to have the thrills of heaven and the visions He gives, from time to time. But perhaps we should be more thankful for the floors He provides. That’s how I am now. I’m seeing how I need to be thankful for how the Lord provides the floors and often even strengthens them and raises them.

Tonight I had friends to pray with. I wasn’t just alone in my room, going through my battles of the day alone. I know, lots of people do that and I’ve certainly had times like that. But presently He has given me a good and solid discipleship couple here, who I can pray with, talk with, fellowship with and just be in the Lord with.

All the lonely people, where do they all belong? There certainly is a time to get alone with the Lord and it’s a known fact that many of God’s saints had years where they were often alone with only the Lord as their companion and friend. But then, “The Lord sets the solitary in families”.  (Psalm 68:6)

One of the first things God ever said was, “It is not good for man to be alone.”  (Genesis 2:18) And when Jesus described the final days before His return, one of the characteristics of those times, Jesus said, was “Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold.”  (Matthew 24:12) What an apt and brief synopsis of our present modern world.

But for those of us in the Lord, He often engineers ways for His sheep to find other sheep, for them to find the fellowship, warmth and camaraderie of fellow believers. There’s just something about it. We’re just made for this, being together, bouncing things off of each other, being in community, hanging out with friends and our family, if nothing else our spiritual family.

Believe me, I know so many really don’t have this. So, so many are alone, and just that experience can contribute to mental anxiety, depression, negative thoughts and premature old age, not to mention succumbing to drug or alcohol addiction and even suicidal thoughts. And so often it’s because someone is a sheep of God who is separated from the flock.

What a wonderful verses that is, “Underneath are the everlasting arms.” (Deuteronomy 33:27) If we will receive it and recognize it, the Lord doesn’t just have our backs but He’s got our floors. “Whosoever shall fall on this stone...”. (Matthew 21:44) The Lord talked about building our house on a rock. We’ve got good floors because we’ve got a good foundation, which is actually built upon a Rock, the Lord Himself.

The problem of course is that we rather easily get our eyes off of this. Like Peter, we start looking at the waves, start looking at ourselves, our present conditions, anything actually as long as it doesn’t involve our remembering the foundations of our faith and the multitude of promises that the Lord has made, to “be with us always, even unto the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:20)

So if you aren’t exactly hitting the ceiling right now, maybe at least you can be thankful for your floor. Or the Lord’s floor that He keeps under us, all the things that don’t happen to us each day because of His protection. The accidents that don’t happen, the sicknesses we don’t experience, the overall good fortune that is almost always a constant of our lives.

“Mark! What are you talking about!?! Mark, I’m sick, my kids turned against me and the Lord! I don’t have almost any friends! I’m struggling to pay my bills!!”

Yep, that does happen to most of us, at times. But here’s a verse that has greatly inspired me and one that I really recognized when I came to the Lord as being true, even during the horrific times before I got saved, when I was on drugs, in mental anguish and in many ways suffering the torments of hell, while just living here on earth as a college student.

Here’s that verse that I experienced during those times, even before I got saved. “The Lord will not allow us to be tempted above that we are able to bear. But will, with the temptation, also make a way to escape, that we may be able to bear it.” (I Corinthians 10:13)

Truly, things can get really rough, really. But for those who know the Lord, He always makes a way to escape and doesn’t let us be tempted above that we’re able to bear. He prompts us to phone someone and ask for prayer. Or even to ask if we can come to their house and visit before we go crazy. Or He speaks to our heart. Or we unexpectedly meet someone who turns out to be the Lord’s love for us.

“Been down so long, it looks like up to me”, someone once said. I’ve experienced that. Still, even there, God put a floor. “If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3) God’s foundation doesn’t get destroyed. It’s just good to remember this and to even claim His promises like this at times. Certainly our own foundations can be destroyed, especially if we’re building and standing on foundations and floors that are not of Him.

“Underneath are the everlasting arms.” And He even does the work of helping us to somehow recognize it, to “see God” or at least His workings in our lives. Thank God for the floors; they are just as important as ceilings.


An Answer from the Lord

I got a little answer from the Lord today to a major question that’s been on my heart a while. He’s so faithful to get through to us with some new viewpoint or insight on what’s been a personal dilemma. For me, it’s been about how much I should be involved in what many could consider just worldly, secular politics.

Politics is the background I come from. I was planning for a political career before the Lord really “rang my bell” with a horrific near-death experience while I was in university that thrust me from atheism into being a startled believer. Months later I came to Christ and became after that a missionary abroad for close to 40 years.

I embraced the words of Jesus that He spoke to His disciples and took those to be His words to me. His cause became my cause, His solution to the problems of individuals and the world at large became what I’ve held to be the highest and best path for all mankind.

But for a couple of years, I’ve been deeply concerned about situations happening in my local community. I wrote about that in a recent article, “Checking your local school board”.

All the while though, there’s been this gnawing question on my heart, “Are you getting tripped off? Moving from your calling as a Christian missionary and disciple back into your former ways and mindsets?” It’s been a real question on my heart as I try to be certain that I’m following the Lord’s leading and not my own personal inclinations.

Today though, I feel I’ve had a breakthrough with this uncertainty. So often with these things, it’s just a simple thought that comes to you, a new viewpoint that you’d not had before that brings light and simplicity as well as clarity and relief. The Lord put this whole question about involvement with the local school crisis into a framework of what some have called “consider the poor”. This comes from the verse in Psalm 41:1 that says, “Blessed is he that considers the poor, the Lord will deliver him in the time of trouble.

The whole Bible is full of this, as was the life of Jesus on earth. He said for us not only to love God but to love our neighbor. To explain, He told the story of “The Good Samaritan”. The Samaritan stopped on his way to help a man who’d been beaten by robbers. According to Jesus, several very religious priestly types had already passed by before but they’d done nothing for the beaten man. In other words, taking personal, physical action to alleviate the wrongs we are confronted with in this world is definitely what Jesus did Himself and what He taught in the gospels as well.

And this morning the Lord brought back to me a time when I was in my early 30’s, a missionary in Vienna, Austria with my wife and kids, trying to reach the nearby closed-to-the-gospel countries of Communist eastern Europe. We’d taken some clothes and food to a nearby camp for Romanian refugees who were in very meager circumstances. It was a way to get to know them, to try to help and to try to bring the gospel message to those folks.

But it created a stir among some of our missionary friends who thought we were going down a strange path, getting off into social work and humanitarianism, rather than really sticking to evangelism. Then, back then, someone shared  some wise council with us on this subject. It went something like this, “Feed the poor and cloth the needy if it gives you an opportunity to share the truth and love of God with them. But don’t let feeding the poor become your main occupation. Continue to primarily follow the example of the Early Church in putting salvation and ministering the Word first.

This was such a help at that time to clarify the place and priority of this kind of activity. And it was a very similar feeling I had in the Lord’s thoughts this morning. I came away with the feeling that the Lord approved of my concern for the situation in the schools near me. It doesn’t have to be a trip-off or a departure from Christian discipleship to be involved and active in that.

But at the same time, there’s the gentle guidance that it shouldn’t become my all in all. And I do approach it as an activity that the Lord is leading me to be involved with, rather than as a political activist of some political party.

And meanwhile I still have plenty of other things that the Lord has done in my life, such as the two web sites and the YouTube channel in many languages that I’ve been maintaining for the last few years.

It just helps to know that I’ve gotten a word from the Lord on this, some direction and guidance on how a measured approach to these present distresses in society around me are things that He approves my taking some time and involvement with.

Maybe it’s like what Jesus said, “These ought you to do, and not leave the other undone.” (Matthew 23:23) I feel freer to go forward with these things but to also keep it all in perspective within the overall plan of God in my life. I hope it’s ok to share this personal lesson and victory with you as we all individually keep looking to the Lord for His daily leading in our lives. God bless you!


The Waning West

When’s the best time to attack your enemy? When he is weak, divided and distracted. This principle works across innumerable fields. And let’s be blunt. The West at this time is all of those to a huge degree: weak, divided and distracted.

Did Putin have that in mind when he launched the attack on Ukraine? Quite possibly. His war efforts were initially thwarted. But recently he seems to be in the ascendency as the West faces the increasingly grave consequences of their own sanctions against Russia. Putin can yet enact policies that can probably inflict economic hardships on West Europe that they will not be willing or able to bear this coming winter.

But Ukraine is not the only front. Other nations are watching. They’re seeing the obvious weaknesses of so many Western nations: weak leadership, weak convictions, even the weakness of character that’s so evident in many Western populations.

Eastern and southern nations are observing it all, making decisions, taking sides, getting on board with one agenda or another. Did you know that there are two nations that, if they weren’t so ostracized, could have an almost immediate impact on the world oil markets? Venezuela and to a greater extent Iran have very vast oil reserves and they could bring these reserves into the world oil market very quickly.

Why hasn’t that happened? Well, Venezuela has been shunned and banned by the USA for years because of their embrace of socialism so that there have been embargoes and they’ve been excluded economically by the USA, with the cooperation of other Latin American countries.  But their oil reserves are immense and bringing Venezuela on stream and into world oil markets would have a quick, very major effect.

The same is true and even more so of Iran. Iran has been so vilified by Western media that we’ve all been successfully lulled into thinking that there’s hardly anything worse than Iran. But their proven oil reserves are such that allowing them to sell on the open market again could in a few short months very strongly change the world energy picture. But nobody would dare tell you that and it’s not going to happen because great work for decades has gone on in the media around the world to picture Iran as a villainous, pariah state.

Meanwhile, the nations of the world watch things unfold. Have you noticed how and where the largest nations seem to be placing their bets? Simply put, it doesn’t look like they’re really getting on the band wagon with the West’s confrontation with Putin. But there’s another front, another flash point that just might erupt.

Years ago I was in my driveway watching two doves fighting it out on the ground in the front yard. Suddenly I heard and felt a “swoosh” go right by my ear. It was a hawk which had seen those two birds fighting and was doing all it could to take advantage of their distractions. The hawk swept past me incredibly fast to try to capture at least one of the birds and it was able to do that. In their distraction of fighting amongst themselves, they didn’t see the outside danger of their mutual enemy and it cost the life of one of them.

Could this simple principle be at work internationally right now in our times? As the West is so weakened, distracted, divided and morally exhausted, could another front open similarly to the one in Ukraine? I hesitate to get too specific but many of you in Asia know of a smaller country there that has been eyed by a very large country for years. The smaller Asian country has long felt that it would be protected by strong friends in the West.

But many are saying that if the wise men of that large country ever were seeing a time when a move against that smaller country would possibly be met with (at best) a feeble and inept response, this might be the time.

Would it be moral? Ethical? Christian and resounding with the values that have been upheld by the West for centuries? No. But in the grim world of Machiavellian realty, this present Western weakness may provide a golden opportunity for things to seem to be possible to non-Western, non-Christian world leaders that stronger governments and stronger times in the West would have been able to prevent. Obviously I’m speaking obliquely. But “they that have ears to hear”, and those who keep up with East Asian power politics, will know what I’m referring to.

Am I predicting this? Prophesying it? No. But I’m reading things from pundits who are more observant than I am that this is like a very obvious “chess move” that’s presenting itself at this time, as the virtually leaderless West is so weighted down with its own problems that it makes for an excellent moment for great Asian leaders to launch attacks they have considered for decades.

And, yes, the Bible has precedents for all this. One man said of how he was defeated, “While I was busy here and there, the man was gone.” (I Kings 20:40)  While he was distracted, while he was turned aside from his task of the Lord’s highest service, the enemy swept in and carried off what he was responsible for.

Or, from the New Testament, “If the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the battle?” (I Corinthians 14:8)  Western leadership can currently at best give a very hesitant, uncertain sound of any foreign danger while America is so preoccupied with its own internal wrangling. And the classic annals of battle will tell you that

one’s enemies are constantly looking for a weakness, an opportunity and an unguarded moment to launch an attack when they feel their adversaries are at their weakest.

Still, the mercy of God prevails. But it is a very serious moment and most people have no idea how vulnerable the distracted, weakened West is to an assault at this time.

Checking your local school board

I’m flooded daily with info/spin regarding our society. But I’ve come to feel that the local schools in, not my country but my county is the realm in which I can and should try to take action.

In all the overstatements and hyperbola that’s so normal now, I hesitate to explain how important I’ve come to see simple school board elections going on in the 20 miles around me. In the last few months I’ve often spoken at school board meetings for the independent school district that I live in, which has around 40,000 students.

Again, there’s so much overstatement in our times that if I try to tell you what’s going on, you’ll very easily default to the “my eyes glaze over” attitude that so many of us have had to take on, just to survive all that we’re almost assaulted with.

But, friends, this is not about the border, not  about gun rights or black lives matter or Afghanistan, Hillary, Hunter, Benghazi, Israel, Iran, inflation or the price of gasoline. This is about your and my children and grandchildren. It’s plainly and simply as clear as that.

Let me offer you a realistic scenario that’s not at all outside the possible. Your 11 or 12 year old son, daughter or grandchild comes home from school and wants to talk with you or their parents. Haltingly, they announce that they’re no longer the gender they were born with. They explain that they’ve been learning in public school that they’re free to choose their gender and that they can be liberated from the shackles of society’s bonds and “to be what they inwardly have come to realize they really are.”

Ones in school have been helping them in this “transition”, there are medical procedures that have been offered them and they feel they have the boldness to break free and to change their sex and their identify.

You gasp. “Where did you get that idea?!” They calmly explain that they’ve been getting council and help for months if not years from teachers and councilors at the public school you’ve been trusting was taking care of the most precious thing in your life, your child or grandchild. But it is too late.

Without your knowledge, this influence has been going on for months or years in the public school your child or grandchild has been going to. And by the time you find out about it, it’s too late. They openly now wear clothing contrary to the gender they were born. They’ve morphed into another person than the one you raised. You are helpless, enraged and desperate. But it’s too late.

And this scenario is playing out in innumerable families across America and the world for that matter. While parents and grandparents were lulled into a false sense of security that “certainly our children are safe in the public schools of Texas!” or where ever you live, these outside forces have persistently and with great organization and cunning been able to implement agendas in schools across the country that have made this nightmare a reality for parents and grandparents across this nation.

Is there any solution? Can anything be done? If we change Presidents, will that change things? Or change governors or senators? From what I’ve been experiencing, I’ve found that the lynchpin in all this lies much closer to the local level. Evidently the real center of power in these things is the local school board that oversees the local schools in your area. Where I live, there are 7 members on the school board. Presently, one of them is a dedicated Christian, vehemently opposed to the gender dystopia that is funneled into the school district classrooms from “woke”, ultra leftist gender-bender organizations at the national level.

And there are school board elections coming up in the elections in November. While we are so swapped with controversies about national elections, the fact is that the members of your local school board are the ones who make the decisions as to what is let into the curriculum of the schools your kids and grandkids go to. And what is kept out.

You didn’t know that? The local media didn’t report any of this? They don’t because even here in supposedly ultra Christian central Texas, virtually every element of the media is safely in the hands of the most “progressive” elements of the leftists. So what I’m sharing here just goes unreported.

I grew up in a media family and was around newspapers almost daily from the time I was 4. This is the background I was brought up with and it grieves me how much the modern media has ceased to portray any form of balanced, unbiased information.

The bottom line? If you don’t know where to put your time and energies, I suggest you check out the situation in your local schools where your kids and grandkids are being educated. Concerned, often Christian, parents and grandparents have been “flipping” local school boards in Texas and elsewhere over the last year or so and have been able to turn the tide of ungodly filth that has made such an inroad into the lives of our children and grandchildren. “Woke” school trustees have been voted out in elections and ones with traditional values have been voted in to turn back the influx of evil that has been filing schools.

Thank God we still have a pretty good dose of democracy still with us. I mean really, thank God. Elections can still change things, especially at the local level. So, I suggest you perhaps look into it. What kind of “gender studies” are your children and grandchildren being subjected to in elementary and middle schools, not to mention high schools? What kind of books do they find in the school libraries? Have you ever looked at some of those books? So often books are there that are literally “as gross as it gets”, fully illustrated. Your local media didn’t tell you that? No, they usually don’t.

This may be one of the greatest spiritual battles of our times, of our generation. It reminds me of the place in Revelation where it says The dragon stood before the woman to devour the child as soon as it was brought forth.” (Revelation 12:4) Whether the Dragon devours children though abortion, before birth, or whether it devastates the souls of children through gender dystopia in public schools, either way the devil is in an active onslaught against children in these times and he’s gotten away with a lot.

The thief comes not but to kill and to steal.” (John 10:10)

In our times, if the devil can’t kill them through abortion, he now tries to steal them in public schools after they are born. So there is nothing new under the sun.

But if you’re waiting for the news of this to appear on your local TV, you may not hear of it until your children tell you they want a sex change, if then. And it will be too late.

In summation, simply put, check it out. Before it’s too late. Which it already almost is.