What if the wolf was really there? In the end, the real wolf showed up in the story of the little boy who cried wolf. But people had become so skeptical, they didn’t believe it. Folks and friends, the wolf is there. No, he doesn’t show up all the time and there are lots of people falsely crying “wolf” nowadays. Nevertheless, the wolf is real.
That’s what bothers me. At the end of the movie “Don’t look up”, as the doomsday apocalyptic comet is striking the earth and vast earthquakes shake the planet, the scientist played by Leonardo DiCaprio is having a “last supper” with his family and he pauses to say whimsically to everyone, “We really did have it good, didn’t we?”
But too late. He had been the scientist trying desperately to tell the leaders of America that they had 6 months to take action against a “planet killer” comet that was in alignment to strike the earth. But to no avail. Like Jeremiah of old, he was mocked and dismissed by the leaders of his country, while making little headway with the general population who in DiCaprio’s case were overwhelmingly preoccupied with the technological delicacies of our times, along with the glitzy glamour of the modern media.
In the end, the wolf got them because they’d been lulled to sleep by their hardened hearts and increasingly skeptical perceptions so that reality in its most true form was not really able to be perceived anymore. That’s one reason why I got a lot out of that movie.
A verse that came to me about it after watching the movie was, “The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). It just shows the enormity of the sin that is upon this nation and so many others in our times to which virtually all are oblivious to. When someone shows up who’s telling them verifiable, objective, in-your-face truth about a coming reckoning unlike any before, were they believed? No.
Unbelief and reprobate, hardened hearts were unable to come to grips with simple truth-tellers and so the window of time they had to take action in was frittered away. And, in the end, the planet was virtually destroyed.
It so much reminds me of the obscure but deeply haunting verse at the end of the second book of Chronicles. Talking about the all-encompassing judgment on the nation of Israel 2600 years ago, as the Babylonians closed in to devastate and destroy the nation that had represented the God of Abraham for around 800 years, the text describes the situation in Israel as this. “But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised His words and misused His prophets until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people, till there was no remedy.” (II Chronicles 36:16)
They had been warned, repeatedly. It’s not for the faint-hearted but if you think you can take it, read the first chapters of the book of Jeremiah and see if any of it reminds you of modern America or the Western world at large.
My friends, in the case of the people of those times, the wolf came. And God allowed it. He had warned them, repeatedly. But an increasing dullness and darkness had settled upon and entered into the hearts of the vast multitude of people so that the lone truth-tellers were looked on as cranks and fools.
The wolf came but they didn’t believe. What a warning, what a lesson. I just wonder who will have taken this to heart? Actually, we don’t have to look back 2600 years to see this process in action. If there was ever a “wolf”, it was Adolf Hitler and the Nazi movement in Germany in the 1930’s.
But the clear historical record shows that so many people in the Europe and even in the America of that time just vehemently didn’t want to believe that it was really that bad. “Surely we can work out around this. Surely there will be ‘peace in our times’.” That was the popular and majority opinion. But in this case, it was the British statesman Winston Churchill who with flint-like resolution continued to sound out a warning to all who would listen about the mortal threat of Hitler and Nazism.
Was Churchill listened to? No, not for a very long time and almost until it was too late. Churchill said that at one point in the late 1930’s he could count on the fingers of one hand the number of friends he had in the British parliament. But Churchill was proven true. The wolf was real, he was there and it was just almost too late before the people of Britain awoke to this truth.
Do you know of any Churchills around today? Sadly, I don’t. So we get our warnings from wherever the Lord can somehow engineer them to get to us. I’m sorry if I end this on a sad and foreboding note. But that movie, “Don’t look up” struck me personally to very accurately portray the dithering, distracted, weakened, sin-soaked souls of what seems to be the majority of the peoples of the Western and northern worlds at this time. May the Lord help us all and have mercy.